Dinner with my best friends boyfriend

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Maya walked into her house followed closely by Lucas. "Hey Lucas and I have some projects to work on for school, he is staying for dinner" Maya calls to no one in particular as far as Lucas could tell. Lucas quickly follows as Maya makes her way upstairs to her bedroom.

Maya sat on the bed while Lucas took the desk, she felt awkward it was not often the two were left on their own particularly since the whole triangle thing. Maya felt her body tensing as she turns to Lucas "So do you want to start with history?" trying to sound as casual as possible to hide the anxiety, just like she always did. 

Lucas shrugged "umm sure that sounds good, I was actually able to start writing some ideas in Maths" he pulls out his maths book where he had written the notes right next to quadratic equations and hands it to Maya.

 "God huckleberry I don't know how you can call this handwriting" She laughed and when Lucas laughed back the mood lightened a little bit "none the less from what I can read I like this one" she points at one of the ideas on the page, Lucas looks down to see which one she is referring to. 

He nodded "Yeah I'm glad I really liked that one too" he smiles at Maya causing Mayas Heart to suddenly think she is running a marathon. Maya smiled back, though she was silently telling herself off. She knows she can't feel that way about him not since she literally told him to pick Riley. Maya chose not to dwell on this feeling just yet they still had a project to finish.  

"So let's get started" she pulled out her laptop to start taking notes while Lucas got out his Laptop and his history notebook.


They had been working on this project for forever as far as Maya could tell though the time only read 5:30 pm meaning it had only been two hours. Maya got off the bed and stretched 'I need a break" 

Lucas spun in his chair "maybe you're right, how about we start our music project? That could lighten the mood' Lucas saw Maya's eyes light up at the suggestion causing Lucas face to betray him and smile at that adorable look.

Maya laughed "what the hell are you smiling at Ranger Rick" Lucas face reddened 

He didn't know what to say, he knew he couldn't be honest "you know just thinking about how awesome this song will be"

Maya rolled her eyes "Well this song is only going to be "awesome" if we actually get to work" Maya pulls out her songbook and starts flipping through it for inspiration. Lucas just taps his pen nervously while he waits.

A few minutes later Lucas speaks up "How about the song you were writing today?"

Maya stares daggers at the blonde boy and he gulps. After a second she finally speaks "no huckleberry that one is personal like I told you earlier" she turned back to her book to continue browsing. Lucas gups he had never heard Maya sound so annoyed he felt guilty he didn't mean to pressure her.

"I'm sorry," he says in a small voice "I just thought it would be really good but if you don't want to use it I understand music sometimes becomes really personal and it's not always easy to share that"

Maya smiled she didn't know many people who understood it the same way Lucas did. It was nice to be working with someone who understands. "exactly" she says perhaps a little too excitedly throwing Lucas off guard expecting an insult back. Maya continued "How about this song I think this would work really well acoustic with your guitar, I'm sure you could work out a got beat" 

Lucas took a second to comprehend the song before nodding "holly shit Maya this is perfect, when did you write this?" 

Maya blushed remembering writing this soon after the ski loge with everything that went down with Josh and Lucas "Umm a little while ago can't remember exactly" She lied casually refusing to share that truth with Lucas.

Lucas nodded unfazed by the vague answer "Fair enough let's workshop this"


They had made good progress on the song Maya checked the time to see it is nearing 7 pm and she had missed calls from Riley and a text from her mum she wished she read earlier, telling her that she and Shawn had decided to go out for dinner tonight and to order pizza as they won't home until 10.  Maya groaned getting Lucas attention "what's the problem?"

Maya sighed "I didn't realize but my parents have gone out for dinner, looks like it's just us two, you like pizza right?"

"Yeah pizzas great we should order it now, maybe we should work a little more on history until it arrives"

Maya nodded "sure I'll call now you good with pepperoni? " Lucas nodded and Maya left the room to order the pizza.


They had made some good progress on their history project when the pizza arrived. they moved to the living room to be more comfortable while they ate. They turned on a mindless comedy while they ate. After they finished Maya took their plates to the kitchen "we can keep working if you want my parents aren't going to be home for hours"

Lucas pondered before he spoke "Na how about we finish the movie then ill head out"

"Sure" Maya smiled sitting back down next to Lucas, though neither paid attention to the movie enjoying chatting to each other.

Neither of them noticed the credits rolling when their eyes went heavy and they fell asleep


They both woke up when the front door slammed shut "shit" Maya mutters 

"You two have fun" Shawn laughed. that was the moment Maya realized that she had been sleeping on Lucas's shoulder. She glared at Shawn

Lucas seemed unfaced as he checked his phone. "Shit it's getting late" He muttered "God Riley has blown up my phone." sighing he put his phone in the pocket "I should probably get going" He rubbed Maya's shoulder.

Maya was so tired she barely registered the touch she chuckled "Your probably right" she could not believe it was already 11 pm 

Lucas quickly got his stuff together giving Maya a quick hug before he left. When the door shut after their goodnights Maya could not help but smile, Lucas was defenetly a great partner.

The confessions of Maya Hart  *A Girl Meets world fanfiction*Where stories live. Discover now