Let's work on our project (That worked so well last time)

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The rest of Maya's week went very slowly much to her dismay. Riley was still mad at Maya for nothing, and Lucas was still walking eggshells around Riley though it looks like for now she has forgiven him. Lucas and Maya had made little progress on their projects as he had been busy at practice though he has assured her that he will have more time on the weekend and next week as the coach had given them a few rest days after working them so hard throughout the week.

It was 10 am when her phone went off waking her up. She looked at her phone to see who the message was from. She Instantly regretted this instinct when the light hits her eyes she quickly turned the phone screen away while her eyes adjust to the waking world. The message was from Lucas asking her if she was free today to work on their project. Maya quickly responded telling him to meet her at Tapaangas at 12 pm before she got up to get ready for the day.


It was 11:15 when she decided to leave, with her parents out for the day she was alone anyway, may as well do some songwriting, (as she had been doing a lot over the course of the week) with a nice cup of coffee. When she walked in she was surprised to see Lucas already sitting there with a cup of coffee writing something on his laptop. Maya snuck up behind him "Guess who?"

Lucas pretended to ponder this "Hmm I don't know but why do I suddenly smell pancakes?"

Maya slapped his arm a feigning offence "how could you make fun of my height in such a way huckleberry. The only way I am going to cope the rest of the day is if you buy me a coffee"

Lucas rolled his eyes "Fine, the usual? grande flat white with 2 sugars"

Maya was shocked that he remembered her order by heart "umm yeah, thanks Huckberry" he smiled at her and went up to order the coffee. 

Lucas came back 2 minutes later "they said they will bring it to the table when it's ready"

Maya blushed "you do know I was joking you didn't have to pay for my coffee?" 

"I know" Lucas smiled "I wanted to, Plus I feel kinda responsible for Riley's behaviour over the last week. it's not fair on you."

"Thank you Lucas" Lucas blushed at her use of his name that she did not use often. "I really appreciate it. Though please don't feel responsible it's not your fault." 

Lucas was about to respond when the barista came over with Mayas coffee before she leaves she turns and says "Can I just say I see you two and your friends all the time, and you guys are just the cutest couple I have ever seen'

"umm...." Maya starts but was interrupted by Lucas. 

"Actually I'm dating the brunette, Tapangas daughter actually" Maya pretends to be looking at something in her songbook. The barista's face reddens as she mutters an apology before scurrying away.

Maya laughs "poor girl we need to tip her well before we leave"

Lucas joins in the laughter "definitely, and do we seriously look that much like a couple?" 

Maya shrugged "apparently so, I mean you do buy my food a lot and it's not like you and Riley go on that many dates here. And the nicknames I give you probably don't help"

"huh I guess you're right, maybe that's why Riley is getting jealous" Lucas's eyes widen "Shit I should not have said that. It's not your problem"

Maya sighs "Sadly huckleberry I think its both of our problems until we finish this project then hopefully things can go back to normal, whatever that is meant to be. All I know is for now I want to forget about Riley" 

The confessions of Maya Hart  *A Girl Meets world fanfiction*Where stories live. Discover now