Mondays suck anyway

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Lucas never called the next day, though this didn't surprise Maya he was so upset when he left Topanga's. Maya could not help but feel at least partially responsible for the strain on Riley and Lucas's relationship. She figured the best thing she should do is stay out of their way while they figured out their issues. Maya had kept this in mind as she got ready for school on Monday. Maya had not felt this anxious since her anxiety attack when studying with Josh, this was the first time she was going to see either of them since the blow-up at Topanga's. Maya stared down at the pills in front of her, the medication that she had been prescribed for her anxiety, she was so proud of herself for not taking it in months. She decided to pack it anyway not knowing how today was going to go and not wanting to have an anxiety attack in front of her friends.

Maya had just finished packing her school bags when someone buzzed to get into the apartment "Hey Maya it's Zay" Maya ran over and Buzzed him in.

Zay walked through the door and immediately wrapped Maya in a hug "I heard what happened, are you ok?"

Maya smiled weakly "I will be, it's not even about me it's worse for Lucas"

Zay furrowed his brows "Maya you have to stop protecting Riley, this affects you too. The way she is treating you is not ok"

"Riley is my best friend, I'm meant to protect her and I failed"

Zay suddenly raised his voice "Well when it is Rileys turn to protect you!" Maya looked down ashamed, Zay sighed "I'm sorry I shouldn't have yelled, I'm just sick of you putting yourself second all the time"

Maya's voice was small "It's ok" she held back tears "I'm just scared you may be right"

Zay clapped his hands together "Anyway I am not here to yell at you I'm here to make sure you're ok. I'm sure you didn't want to walk into school alone today" Maya chuckled she was so lucky to have a friend like Zay.

"I love you Zay"

Zay Laughed "I know I love you too, anyway let's go we don't want to be late"


Maya took a deep breath before walking into the school prepared for the worst, she saw Riley talking to Farkle at his locker. Maya wondered how much he actually knew, she didn't even know how Zay knew, though she assumed he heard it from Lucas. Zay took her hand "Come on we don't need to talk to them right now" Maya silently nodded. Zay guided Maya to the library where they were less likely to run into their friends.

Zays efforts were in vain as soon as they sat down Lucas walked in and went to the computer labs. Maya suddenly felt like she might throw up she was not expecting to have to confront him until history. "Maya," Zay said softly "We can leave you don't have to talk to him now."

Maya shrugged "May as well get it over with" Maya chewed on her lip in concentration "I'll be fine Zay it's probably best that I talk to him alone ill see you in class"

Zay gave Maya a quick hug "if you're sure, I'm only a phone call away if you need"

"Thanks, Zay it means a lot" she smiled before walking towards the computer labs, not giving herself a second to hesitate. Lucas was the only one in the room "you know the bell is going to go before you can turn one of these old things on"

Lucas spun around in his chair "Your probably right, I didn't really come in here to go on the computer anyway" Lucas hesitated before laughing "though I may need to use this computer later as I left my charger with you at the cafe meaning my laptop is very dead"

Maya considered messing with him before thinking better of it "do you mean this charger" she pulled the charger out of her bag "I would have called to see if you wanted me to drop it to you, but you said you were going to call me and when you didn't I thought you may have wanted some space it got really heated at the cafe" she plopped the charger onto the table and took the seat next to Lucas 

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2022 ⏰

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