Chapter 12

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Regarding the Trash Initiation Murder Case

Translated by alice of Exiled Rebels Scanlations

In the past two days, the old men of Anjie were in a bad mood. Their lousy mood led to a precarious and delicate atmosphere in Anjie. The weaklings and underlings felt that the old men were unusually irritable and that the atmosphere was difficult to endure.

To put it plainly, these past two days Anjie didn't actually have any significant changes—the old men manning their stalls still had their cigarettes dangling out of their mouths as they played poker and were still able to take off their shoes to slap you when they got lively. And the wives of the old men naturally smiled as they took their leftover candy back home and only left a bit for the old men to eat. If you didn't let her bring the candy back home, she'd use her kitchen knife to chop you to pieces and murder you.

Aside from these two facts, Anjie already had non-reversible characteristics for NPC (non-playable characters) long ago. These two days, Anjie also had another type of public service for its NPC. Typically speaking, NPC should be very popular for public service, but gamers all know that even though NPC serve the public, they often end up harming the public more than helping.

As a result, when JinYu comfortably sat on Baozi's back and led Dabai, Xiao bai, Xiao Xue, and the other twenty wounded animals and directed them to pull the gigantic garbage truck, knocking on the doors of the old men and women, the old men's mood soured and they threw their cups on the ground, slapping the table.

"Time to clean up the trash!"

Woof woof –!

"Time to take out the trash!"


"On-site service!"

Chirp chirp~~~!

"Guaranteed satisfaction!"


JinYu's already familiar voice rang out in front of the doors of the old men and woman. Every time JinYu shouted, he was accompanied by another howl or roar from one of the wild beasts.

When one of the old, bald men heard these roars, they'd immediately spew out the water they were drinking. Afterwards, they'd wipe their faces with an unreadable expression, thinking darkly to how two days prior when they heard this sound they'd opened the door to shout "Beat it!" Now, they were bitterly beaten up by four A-level beasts.

If you're going to take out the trash, then take it out! Just come and do it yourself! What's wrong with you?! Hollering like this and bringing not only four A-ranked beasts but a whole heard of injured animals. Sometimes Xiaolu and the big-tailed wolf even add to the obnoxious noise. Isn't this just deliberately torturing people!!

We don't mind you taking the monopoly of the garbage disposal since we've made up our minds to throw out our trash on the side street but how can you still pretend to show off your cleverness! And make this disposal mandatory!!

What? You say that your garbage disposal is voluntary? And that you've never begged?!

Voluntary my ass!!

If they volunteered yesterday, they'd say: Today I don't have trash, so there'll just be six A-ranked beasts and a large horde of injured F to B rank beasts neatly lined up in front of my door refusing to leave today?! You're seriously making us grind our teeth! They're howling one by one!! How can this possibly be voluntary?! If I don't willingly throw out my trash, then I'll be swallowed alive by these annoying sounds!!

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