Chapter 82

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With a darkened expression, JinYu watched as XiaoLu and the Big-Tailed Wolf clang onto the the door shamelessly. In his heart, he pondered over the option of having ErHei bite them, but before he could give the order, from that 15cm opening came two people. Both wearing a weird smile.

"Li Dage, I told you before, people get contaminated by those they hang around with! So as to preserve your IQ and not have it go to the negatives, I suggest you stop hanging out with that Mega-orange!"

JinYu looked at Li Xiao and sighed. Do you realize how proper he looked before, as if he had just came out of a period drama! See that Kungfu clothing, that long straight hair, that expressionless face...even if his tastes were horrible, at least when he was standing there, he was super eye catching! But someone like that, had to hang out with someone who could only be described as speechless. That thing was covered in a blinding orange from head to toe and that savage but stupid personality, it's just...!

"Hey! JinZi! Don't say that! What's wrong with being myself? I'm super handsome, with high IQ, power levels off the charts and gentlemanly! I even got a reward for the best youngster in Anjie! If you call me a mega-orange one more time I'm going to unleash my beasts against you!!!"

Chen Lang's disapproved of being looked down upon by JinYu showed on his face. He was a young man with beats, with a house, a car, and a handsome face! If he walked out of Anjie, he was forced to be reckoned with! But not only was this kid talking shit about him, he wanted XiaoXiao to stay away from him?! He clenched his teeth in his heart, don't you know that interrupting someone else's love was going to get you kicked in the head by a donkey?! Just because your love life was going smoothly doesn't mean everyone else's was! I haven't even held their hand yet!!

What JinYu said made Li Xiao a bit awkward but everyone was already familiar with each other, so it was fine. Taking a glance over at mega-orange who was grinding his teeth, his lips started curling upwards. Then, he walked over and sat down beside the sofa. With a serious face, he went straight to the point, "JinZi, I have something to discuss with you. You tell me if you can accept it."

Li Xiao's seriousness caught JinYu off guard but he quickly started rubbing his hands together and squinted his eyes, "Dage, tell me who you want to get killed, I'll support you all the way!"

Li Xiao just 'ah'ed in confusion. As for Qi QingLin, who sat beside JinYu, he just rolled his eyes.
Couldn't this guy be normal for once?

"What are you ahhhing about! Dage! For how serious you look, clearly it's a tough problem and thus it must be a hunter above level eight! Don't worry, if me and my house of beasts can't deal with it, we still have our BOSS. He can definitely one shot it!!"

"Umm, about that..."

"Don't worry, Dage. Just tell us who it is, even if it's the president I wouldn't back down. Um, but I don't kill good guys..." Just as JinYu stopped talking, another voice sounded.

The voice sounded frivolous but the content was anything but, "Why bother Mr. Qi, I'll give you a slow activating poison. I guarantee you they will die without anyone noticing~" JinQian said while leaning at the door with a smile. Beside him was Shan BaiLu, who bore an excited expression.

"Boss, boss! Are we going to assassinate the president?! I found him annoying since way back! When are we heading out?!"

At this point, the conversation was wholly off topic. Rather, Li Xiao couldn't understand how the conversation got here in the first place...

"Pfffff——-! Hey JinZi, hahahahaha, you were saying my IQ was in the negatives? Then your listening comprehension is negative infinity! hahhaa, god your kill me. Killing the president? Hey, that guy there is your underling? Just as stupid!"Chen Liang finally found a way to avenge himself so he went all out laughing. By the looks of things, he was about to invent a new way of death by laughing. His super 'asking for a beating' face made JinYu's mouth twitch violently so he looked over to the BOSS.

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