Chapter 23

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Brutal grand opening symphony

Translated by Rikko of Exiled Rebels Scanlations

JinYu and the beasts woke up before the dawn even broke on the day after their house was constructed. To be precise, JinYu tossed and turned in bed nearly the entire night, only managing to sleep a few hours after midnight. Similarly, DaBai, having the most dignified appearance among all, and the other beasts didn't even shut their eyes the whole night due to their excitement for their new home; their eyes were kept wide open till the sun rose. Despite the lack of sleep, not even a hint of exhaustion could be seen on them. On the contrary, they were so much more energetic than the day before, with the exception of...

The beasts lifted their heads uniformly at JinYu once he went down the stairs. Moments later, a pair of rabbit's eyes caught JinYu's attention. "... Blue-eyed Rabbit, aren't your eyes non-infectious?" he looked expressionlessly at a certain rabbit, which was fiddling with its ears with its forelegs.

The rabbit straightened its ears up at once, anger evident on its face. [I'm a blue-eyed rabbit! Blue-eyed! My eyes are blue! How is it even possible for them to affect anyone?!]

Upon hearing the rabbit's thoughts, JinYu blurted out, "Oh right" and gave a light knock on his head; he forgot rabbits from Earth were the only ones with red eyes... except for those with their eyes dyed a different color, all rabbits here had blue eyes. If that was so... then what the hell was up with those red-eyed beasts in front of him?! "...Don't tell me all of you got too excited and stayed up the whole night." JinYu face palmed in exasperation. The beasts answered him with a cacophony of noises as they nodded intensely, full of enthusiasm.

"Fuck! I was actually planning to have you guys welcoming customers and advertising the store while looking spirited, bright-eyed, energetic and captivating! Shit! Now that the bunch of you are suffering from red eye illness, customers coming over to take a look at the very first day of opening will just assume my store is infested with diseases! How the fuck can I do business like this?! Why don't all of you just starve?!" The insanely lively beasts fuelled the infuriation in JinYu's heart. However, after his outburst of anger subsided, he found those fellows rather cute and so, he couldn't help but to hug himself and chuckle softly.

Initially, the beasts that hollered were trying to think up of ways to cool off Boss's anger. BaoZi and XiaoBai were just about to go over to JinYu and act cute at his feet, but before they even took a step, JinYu began laughing. Awoo? The lot of them tilted their heads in slight confusion.

"Forget it; forget it. I'll just tell them it's a special attraction to celebrate our grand opening. The redness... symbolises a prosperous business. Tsk, tsk. What a quick-witted and great boss I am."

Every single beast plunged their heads onto the ground in unison. A wolf pup with a birth defect, born a few months ago, was a breath away from death when BaoZi carried back in his mouth during his stroll around the rubbish disposal area last night. Currently, it had no clue as to why its easily gotten parents were prostrating. (BaoZi told the pup all beasts living there that was older than it were its parents, and that it would be able to get more meat in its meals if it had more parents.) Thus, the little puppy mimicked the actions of BaoZi, the father that brought it back. It stuck its forehead onto the floor a little clumsily before raising its tiny paws and placing them onto its eyes. However, when doing so, it forgot its hind legs were glued onto the ground. Losing its balance, the poor wolf pup tumbled down and rolled a few times on the floor.

"...By the way, does anyone here have milk?" As JinYu took a look at dazed and puzzled expression on the adorable puppy, he laughed softly and carried the little fellow up while shaking his head. Noticing it was so emaciated that it was almost reduced to bones, he frowned and turned his line of sight towards the group of beasts. "Come on and donate a bit. After all, this little pup is a B+ grade beast; it can help fight hooligans when it grows up or help in the kitchen."

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