Prolouge - A Hero's Death & Rebirth

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It was silent.

It was quiet...

It was depressing...

Izuku Midoriya, a aspiring hero-in-training in the class of 2-A with his friends in the prestigious school of UA and the successor of All Might, the former Number 1 Hero and Symbol of Peace. The person who managed to turn the tables against villains and change their ways, including the LOV and make then reunite with their original families. The person who managed to defeat the infamous All For One, the Yakuza Leader Overhaul, and other strong villains. The person who saved so many people and inspired countless others. The person who is currently at his death bed, literally and figuratively, being surrounded by others, such as the people he saved and cared about, and his father figures and his mother, his friends, and his childhood friend. He was in a hospital, because of overuse of his, it resulted of breaking his bones and managed to puncture his lungs and heart, making his lifespan very short. He had been selfless and that was his own flaw, he had cared more about others, rather than himself. He woken up to see them the last time, everyone had left, except his childhood friend and his mother.

Izuku: H-Hey....

Bakugo: Hey nerd..

Inko: Hey honey...

Izuku: So, this is the last time i'll be seeing you guys?

Bakugo: Yeah, here.

Izuku: What's this?

Bakugo: It's a present

Izuku: *opens it* Wow... It's... Beautiful..

The present that Izuku opened was a baby picture of him and Bakugo, he was tearing up when he saw it, it reminded him of the memories he made during his small but nice life. 

Izuku: Thanks Kacchan

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Izuku: Thanks Kacchan..

Bakugo: No problem nerd..

Izuku...... I'm sorr-

Bakugo: Don't be sorry nerd, it's how the hero life goes..

Izuku: I wish i could've stayed longer... I wouldn't be in this mess...

Bakugo: It's alright Izuku.... We'll be fine, heck you defeated the fucking Symbol of Villainy! There's probably no more villains left to stand up to us!

Izuku: Heh... I did so much right....

Bakugo: Yeah...

Izuku: Katsuki?

Bakugo: Yeah...

Izuku: Can you and mom hold my hand one more time....

Inko: Sure honey....

They both go to Izuku and grab his hands tightly, he smiled at his sight, his mother and his childhood best friend holding his hands the last time. Just like old times.

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