Chapter 1 - 11 Months of Training & A Bizarre Event

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(You can play that song whilst reading the story)

Paloma: Alright catch *throws him a wooden sword* You know how to fight with a weapon right? Also what's your preferance?

Izuku: I never actually fought with a weapon before, usually bare-fist, but if i would guess, i think a two-handed weapon can suit me.

Palomo: Hm..... Kid, wait here.

Izuku: Ummm Okay?

Paloma then comes back with a wooden staff and a wooden scythe, which made Izuku confused on why he came back with two two-handed weapons.

Paloma: Here kid, catch. *throws him the two-handed staff*

Izuku: *catches it* Um... Why?

Paloma: You said it yourself, you like two-handed weapons right? So, why don't we sharpen that skill.

Izuku: Huh, i never expected that i would actually use weapons, considering i mostly used hand-to-hand combat.

Paloma: Welp, you better get used to it, considering most of the time that you will be fighting is with weapons, also with your semblance.

Izuku: Yeah.. You're right.

Paloma: Let's get on with it!

[Izuku POV]

Month 1-2

Paloma taught me about the basics of using a two-handed weapon and such, and he also showed more about how Aura works, such as being our life gauge and it can heal and be out own shield, protecting us from damage. He also taught me on how dust works and all the elements and it's usages. He gave me multiple types of Grimm books and i studied them also, they weren't like the books that Kami gave me, but they still worked, he checked up on me every day to see if i was studying well.

Month 3-4

I asked Paloma if he can teach me to create some two-handed weapons, and he told me that he actually can. He helped me create a scythe which i nicknamed it "Elc Crescent".  He hugged me like i was his own son, and i felt it. I've never had a proper father, except All Might, he was a father figure to me also. He continued and taught me how to use a scythe, which i didn't expect for him to use a dual bladed scythe, and i was quickly overwhelmed by his skills. He also taught me how to use my scythe one-handed because he noticed that my strength was able to do it, and he was right, i was able to do it with 1% of OFA.

Month 5-6

After a while, i managed to face off Paloma with my scythe and battle head to head on equal power. I managed to beat him only twice, but it was the best thing ever. He congratulated me and we moved on to the next one, which is teaching me how to use a gun. A Fucking Gun. He asked me what type of gun i wanted to use, and i told him that i never used one, which lead me to testing every gun he had, which are mostly rifles and some pistols. I had almost got a perfect hit on every target, which is kinda surprising for me because i never shot a gun. He showed me dust-infused bullets and i used one of them which was ice elemental and i shot it, in the process froze the barrel of the gun but it managed to freeze the entire bark of a tree, and somehow turning the leaves white.

Month 7-8

Paloma taught me how to use a rifle and i mastered it, i even changed my gun into a transforming sniper scythe with the help, he also taught me how to use a pistol, or in my case, a revolver just in case i need a secondary, which led to me making my second weapon, Emerald Thorn. He then taught me how to to switch between modes and use my weapon efficiently, but then i thought of something "why don't i put dust into my scythe?" and i did so. I tested and experimented with dust over for days until i remembered that i can melt dust (I don't know if you can melt dust, i just did it for plot). After many trials and failed attempts, i managed to copy the same venom of a Centinel Grimm, but much more volatile. The first time i tried it, it instantly melted my scythe, so i remade my scythe with stronger materials that the acid cannot melt ever. And more tinkering happened but Paloma happened to stumble upon me doing my acid and helped me with it. I asked him how and he told me that he had a degree in chemistry, Grimm studies, biology, and more. I was surprised that he was that smart, he might even rival Principal Nezu. But then somehow we manage to infect ourselves with a basic version of the poison and he currently have 5 months to live

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