Chapter 2 - Entering Vale & Meeting "Her"

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Time Skip

Izuku and Paloma were on a bullhead and Izuku was wearing an eyepatch to cover his silver eye, who for some odd reason, Paloma coincidentally had.

Flash Back~

Izuku was panicking around because of his eyes, not only he was heterochromatic, but he had a silver eye.

Izuku: How am i supposed to fix this!?!?

Paloma: Midoriya, calm down.

Izuku: Calm down?! How am i supposed to calm down!?!? 

Paloma: Midoriya. Calm. Down.

Izuku: Fine.... I'll come down.

Paloma: Good. Now sit down.

Both Paloma and Izuku sat down on the couch, and they started talking it out because of his now panicking state because of his eye. Paloma didn't understand why he was panicking about his new heterochromatic eye until he noticed that his other eye was Silver.

Paloma: I think i might know why, i'm not sure, but i know some one who can help know why "this" *gestures to Izuku's Eyes* happened in the first place.

Izuku: Please do, i want to meet him.

Paloma: You're lucky the same guy i mentioned is where were going to meet in the first place. Tell me, when you studied the four kingdoms, do you know Vale?

Izuku: Yeah, Vale is one of the four kingdoms, the rest being Mistral, Vacuo, and Atlas. Wait.... What kingdom are we currently in?

Paloma: We're currently in Mistral, east of  Vale. And that's where we're going, to Beacon.

Izuku: Wait what?!?!? Why?!

Paloma: If you want to actually be a huntsman, i suggest you enroll in an academy, and we're going to Beacon.

Izuku: Wait, why not at Haven here?

Paloma: Eh, the headmaster gives me vibes that seem off, besides, Oz owes me a favor.

Izuku: Oh, do i need to-

Paloma: Yes.

Izuku: Oh, okay.

Flash Back End~

And that's what happened, after that, they packed their things and weapons and called the nearest bullhead that they can find, the driver of said bullhead immediately recognized Paloma and let him on without any pay to Vale, which made Izuku because how can a retired huntsman be given a free ride like that. They were halfway on their journey to beacon until Izuku started feeling weird and started touching his silver eye, and Paloma noticed he was fiddling with his eye patch.

Paloma: Hm? Midoriya, what's up?

Midoriya: It's nothing, i felt like something's destined to me or some shit.

Paloma: Hmmm......

Midoriya: Paloma?

Paloma: Oh it's nothing, anyway, what do you feel?

Midoriya: It felt like i was supposed to meet someone at Vale, someone i was supposed to meet.

Paloma: Hmm... Okay.

They didn't continue the conversation and after another hour of waiting, they were at the docking bays of Vale, the bullhead landed at a nearby open landing spot. They got off and give their thanks to the driver and head into Vale. They were walking in sides and Midoriya was still confused about his feeling of being home or being with someone, whilst Paloma was inspecting him carefully to uncover the reason why does he have that feeling and heterochromatic eyes. Then a massive wind blew through out of Vale due to a shockwave form a nearby Grimm fight, Both Izuku and Paloma felt it and withstood it but due to the strong amounts of wind, Izuku's eyepatch caught in the wind and flew away. Midoriya ran after it whilst it was flying through the air, but he managed to bump into someone in the process, making them fall down to the floor.

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