Chapter 6 - A New Friend & Beating Yang

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[3rd POV]

Team RWBYI was walking through the streets of Vale, until the reached the pier, which then they saw two people on top of ladders, placing a sign that said "Welcome to Vale!"

Weiss: *joyed* The Vytal Festival! Oh how wonderful!

Ruby: I've never seen you smile this much Weiss *whispers to Izuku* It's creeping me out.

Izuku: *Whispers back* Same.

Weiss: *somehow hears them* Hey! That's rude!

Blake: Not to be rude but you're-

Yang: Making this boring?

Blake: -Yeah..

Weiss: Why would be this be boring?! The amount of planning and organizing that goes into this event is simply breath-taking!

Izuku: I don't get it.

Weiss: Quiet you! Now! Onward!

Weiss points forward and starts walking, which the rest just shrugged and followed her. As they were walking through the docks of Vale, the smell of fish was soaring through the air, Ruby and Yang complained about the smell, which was indeed horrible, but Blake was drooling and was looking through the tuna and fish stands that was scattered on the docks, and it confused Izuku, who was also disgusted by the smell.

Yang: Remind me again why are we here, this place stinks.

Izuku/Ruby: It really does.

Weiss: I have heard that students of Vacuo will be arriving by ship today, and as a representative of beacon, I feel as if it is my solemn duty to welcome them to this fine kingdom! *puts hands on her hips*

Blake: *still looking at fish* She want's to gain an upper hand by spying on them.

Weiss: *turns backwards* Ugh, You can't prove that!

Izuku: You sure about that?

Weiss: *embarrassed* Well.... Maybe...

Izuku: Well, as long you don't get caught, i supposed your off the hook. *rubs Weiss' head because he is taller than her*

Weiss was still embarrassed and swatted his hand away, to which Izuku laughs. After just a second of his laugh, WBYI felt a murderous intent coming from someone behind them, they look to Ruby, who just noticed and comes back to her original self, but it was still surprising that she can let out a menacing aura in seconds. They walk more until they come across a vandalized store, it was covered with ash, well, parts of it, and the windows were broken, only to be barely covered by police tape. Two detectives were on the scene and our cast walked towards them.

Ruby: What happened here?

Detective #1: Robbery. Second Dust shop this week, this place is turning into a jungle in seconds!

Yang: That's horrible!

Izuku: Who and why would they do this?

Detective #1: Who knows, and besides, they left the money here.

Detective #2: Why would they need that much dust anyways?

Detective #1: I don't know, maybe the White Fang has something to do with it?

Detective #2: Maybe, but we don't get paid enough of this anyways.

Izuku: 'Why did that sound familiar?'

Blake: Hmmmm, why did the White Fang take the dust?

Yang: I don't know, besides, we can investigate later. Right now, we're helping Weiss "greet" the people from Vacuo.

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