Chapter 5 - First Day Drunk & Random Chaos Ensues

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[Izuku POV]

After the initiation, me, RWBY and JNPR decided to celebrate at a nearby bar. I was walking with RWBY, but i kept on looking at Ruby, she may be childish, but she's like a good person. She's smart, strong, nice, and beautiful- SNAP OUT OF IT! I slap my face on my cheeks and now they're going red because of it. They all turned to me and i was nervous of them finding it out.

Yang: Izuku, you feeling good?

Izuku: Y-Yeah, i'm feeling good.

Ruby: That doesn't sound nice *goes closer and touches his head with the back of her hand* Hmmm you seem hot, do you have a fever??

Izuku: *blushing* YEP! I'M COMPLETELY FINE! LOOK! *does 2 back flips* SEE I'M FINE! I'M A-OK!

Yang immediately smirked and put her fingers on her chin as she nudged Izuku on he elbow.

Yang: Yeeeaaahhh Sure you are.

Blake: Yang, stop it.

Yang: Awww come on

Weiss: Yang, enough.

Yang: You guys are no fun!

Weiss: *sigh* Let's just keep going..

After that, we headed to the bar and met up with JNPR and all of it faded to black...

[3rd POV] [Hours later...]

We now see the same people all in the room, Izuku's room to be precise. Izuku and Ruby were sleeping with each other, half-naked, Jaune and Pyrrha were still sleeping, but are leaning on each other, Weiss was already awake and taking a bath, Blake and Yang were still sleeping, cuddling each other, and Ren is making pancakes while Nora watches with excitement. Yang and Blake woke up with a yawn and looked at each other with a smile. Yang was wearing a yellow crop top and shorts, while Blake was wearing a crop undershirt with white shirts and stockings. Her bow was still on for some odd reason but a bit messy.

Blake: *blushing* Soooooo-

Yang: *blushing* Yeah, judging from our clothing, we did.

Blake: So are we "official" official?? I-I'm sorry if i-i make you feel uncomfortable, i-it's just you're beautiful a-and gorgeous and strong and.... *insert more mumbling and some stuttering*

Yang sighed annoyance as she cut off with a quick smack kiss to Blake. Blake was surprised, so she just went with the flow and kissed back. Both of them made out for a few minutes until they separated with a trail of saliva. They both smiled.

Yang: I had to shut you up yknow~

Blake: *blushing and moves her hair* Y-yeah, i know~

Yang: Again?

Blake: Sure~

Blake and Yang were about to head into another make-out session, until Weiss came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel and her hair down. She was walking in with a few towels in hand and handed them it.

Weiss: I don't know even why we went clubbing?

Yang: Aw c'mon, you have to admit, it was fun, don't ya think Ruby? Izuku?

They all look to the duo to see them still sleeping and cuddling. Yang, Blake, and surprisingly, Weiss grabbed their scrolls and started taking pictures at the speed of sound. But then, Ruby started turning and groaning, she started mumbling words which caught the rest of team RWBY's attention, they put away their scrolls and Yang being Yang, decided to touch Ruby. As she touched her, she jolted up screaming "MOM NO!". She started panting and WBY calmed her down. 

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