Chapter 3 - Beacon Academy & A Talk with Ozpin

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^ The song i was listening whilst i was making this chapter.

[Time Skip]

It was the next day and team RWBY, Paloma, and Izuku were still at the bullhead, but they are currently at Beacon. They overslept but Paloma woke them up and they saw the beauty of said place, they got off the bullhead and walked towards Beacon. Once they entered it, Izuku was in awe because the inside of Beacon couldn't compare to UA itself, it was a large castle and it had red carpets and large windows and large doors. They walked through the halls and passed by some other students, who were gossiping because a legend and a new person was walking through the same hallway as them.

Izuku: Woah! This doesn't even compare to UA!

Paloma: Huh, it's still the same since many years ago.

Izuku: Wait, it's always has been like this?!

Weiss: Wait! You've never seeen Beacon in the inside?!

Izuku: Yes, why?

Ruby: Then I have to show you around! Come on!

Ruby activates her semblance and grabs Izuku and sped of into the large hallways of Beacon. They've sped past through each door and Ruby giving Izuku information on every door and place, such as the dorms, the mess hall, the classrooms, and etc. 

[Time Skip]

After the 20 minute tour, Ruby and Izuku stopped as they were done. Izuku was trying to stand up whilst being dizzy and Ruby was doing some stretching. Izuku managed to stand up and dust himself off and look directly at Ruby, who was just done stretching and looked back at Izuku with a smile.

Ruby: All right! We're done!

Izuku: Ruby, please don't ever do that again.. Please...

Ruby: All right *pout*

Izuku: 'Cute... WAIT!! Why am i just thinking that! I just met her yesterday!'

???: Ms. Rose.

They turn around and to see a white-haired man with a black and green coat and some black pants, and he was also holding a cane with some weird carvings on it, he also was wearing some black glasses

Ruby: Professor Ozpin, it's so good to see you.

Ozpin: Aren't you supposed to be in class?

Ruby: I would but i am helping my friend here tour around the school, he's enrolling here.

Ozpin then walks towards Izuku who was sweating because he wasn't this used to talking in a prolonged conversation, and he just stared into his face, which made Izuku confused. Ozpin noticed his silver eye and asked him about it, to which Izuku replied by telling him that he doesn't know what happened to it.

Ozpin: And who might you be?

Izuku: I-I'm Izuku Midoriya?

Ozpin: Hmm.... Follow me..

Ozpin turned around and walked towards his office, which lead the two confused, but followed anyway.

[With WBY & Paloma] [3rd POV].

The four were scattered around the school of Beacon, trying to find the rose and the literal electric eel. Yang searched through the dorms, Blake was going through the classrooms, Weiss at the other facilities, and Paloma was at everywhere that wasn't searched by the three. After a while they met back at the entrance of Beacon tired.

Yang: Any luck?

Weiss: No.

Blake: None.

Paloma: Where is he?

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