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[ 29/10/21]: So wanna let y'all know, the writing,grammar are messy and not good bc I was new on wattpad so Idk how to write a story back then. This book is kinda messy ngl, and myb probably I'll rewrite it better in the future if I have the motive to. And because it was my first story, yes it's gonna be cringy....

-First Day-

It is now the 6th year at Hogwarts. Its a cold and rainy night. Everybody eating dinner before heading back to their houses. While eating dinner, a stranger which is a girl(you) came into the great hall. Everyone was very confused. Who is she??. You approached to Dumbledore. Until Dumbledore made an announcement.

While you were walking towards Dumbledore. Your eyes met the beautiful grey eyes with blonde hair and pale skin. You can't stop staring your eyes on him. But you look away while you were almost near to Dumbledore.

Dumbledore stands up, and walks to the front. And you stood beside Dumbledore.

"Dumbledore: alright student's!. So apparently we have a new student in the 6th year in Hogwarts.."

Everybody was whispering about you. 𝑛𝑒𝑤 𝑠𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑡? 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦??. They never expected that there will be a new student in the 6th year.

"Dumbledore: Miss y/n Cavecove is her name.. she hasn't been sorted to her house. She will be sorted right away.. Miss Mcgonagall.."

"Mcgonagall: Ah yess!.." Mcgonagall grab the sorting hat and ask you to sit down. You sat down and Mcgonagall started to put the sorting hat on your head.

Everybody was waiting curiously. Until the sorting hat has made its decision.

"Sorting hat: ahh..ok..I see here.. better be... Slytherin!" The Slytherin house claps for you. You smiled proudly, And sat at the Slytherin table. You sat beside a man.

"??: Hi nice to meet you!.. I'm Blaise.. Blaise Zabini"

"Y/n: Hey, y/n, nice to meet you too"

Blaise pointed at the blonde hair and pale skin guy "and he's Draco Malfoy"

"Y/n: Hey!.."

Draco quickly leaves and exit the the great hall. Blaise rolled he's eyes. You were confused.

"Blaise: sorry bout that.. Malfoy being Malfoy.."

"Y/n: no worries.."

After, the eating continues. Everybody talking to each other. You were enjoying the food.

After that everyone was heading to their houses. While u were heading to ur house, u needed to go to the bathroom. So you told Blaise you had to go to the bathroom, so Blaise left without you. While u were heading to the bathroom, two girls were approaching u from behind and called ur name.

"??: Y/n! Y/n!" U looked back.

"Y/n: umm.. yes?"

"??: Oh sorry.. we were just going to introduce ourselves"

"Y/n: go on!" You smiled.

"??: *Giggles* Hi! I'm Ginny and this is Hermione"

"Hermione: Hello!"

"Y/n: Hi! Nice to meet you guys.. you guys are from Gryffindor.. right?"

"Hermione: yes we are" she smiled.

"Y/n: cool! Well I'm heading to the bathroom.. "

"Ginny: Oh yes.. were heading to our house. So we better go. It's nice meeting you! We should probably hang out sometimes!"

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