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"Hermione: Truth or dare?"

"Y/n: Truth" i smiled, ready for her question.

"Hermione: Why do i see hickeys?". Hermione pulled a serious face, as Ginny and Hermione looked at me. I widened my eyes as my breath hesitated.

"Y/n: i- ". My mouth didn't let a single word out.

"Hermione: I'm waiting?"

"Y/n: Haha. Mione- you don't understand-. These are not hickeys". I let out a nervous laugh.

"Hermione: Then what is it?". She wrapped her arms on her chest. Her head slide to Ginny as Ginny looked at her, her eyes and brows widened in confusion, she tugged her shoulders up.

"Y/n: I am a - a very whimsical person, you know? So .. sometimes i fell from bed-? " I tried to make it believable.

"Hermione: What?- that doesn't make sense at-". Hermione couldn't finish her words after Draco called out for me.

"Ginny: Malfoy". Ginny sighed.

I turned my head back to see him walking to me, with his bag on one shoulder. He came to me with no expression.

"Draco: Follow me. Now". I furrowed my brows and quickly got up from the grass.

"Hermione: Wait- she's not going anywhere!". Hermione yelled.

I snapped my head to Hermione as i widened my eyes at her to stop talking. She only furrowed her brows in confusion.

"Draco: Let's go".

We were walking inside as i followed him from behind. He isn't walking in a rush, so i think maybe it's not important?-. While i was following him, he took us to the library and walked to the end of the library, quite and silent, there's nobody. This. This reminded me of- of how he kissed me here. And i did the same. The passionate, eagerly kiss.

He dropped his bag to the floor, then he started to face me. I sighed before i could say my sentence.

"Y/n: What now?". I said. My face leveled his neck, as he looked down at me.

"Draco: In that bag" he nodded his head to the bag. "Do my schoolwork won't you?". I furrowed my brows at him.

"Y/n: Fine-". I said and nodded. He raised his brows and smirked.

I grab the bag on the floor as i place it down on a table. I pulled out a chair and sat down. I opened the bag, where i see tons of parchments and papers.

"Y/n: Shit-" i said in a whisper.

It's already been two hours,

"Y/n: Few left, and i'm done."

The library was getting dark because it's cloudy outside. The sounds of rain started pouring down from the sky hitting the window making loud snappy noises.

"Draco: Youre not going anywhere." I flinched when i see Draco suddenly appeared. "Stop what your doing"

"Y/n: But I'm not fin-"

"Draco: Now". He cut me off. So i did.

He walked behind me. He placed his hands on the chair I'm sitting on, leaning down. Then he started pulling the chair back, making me gripping the bottom of the chair.

"Draco: Did you make out with diggory, again?". My breath hitched when i heared he ask me. What does he mean, again-.

"Y/n: What?." I said without hesitating.

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