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" What are you doing?" I said behind y/n.

" Go away." she said coldly.

" Look, y/n im sorry." I let a breath out. " it's just that—" I didn't finish my sentence after she interrupted me.

" Just what?" She said roughly, sad, still looking at the fire. " Let me ask you a question." She sounded serious. She doesn't even bother looking at me. " Do you like me?" I can hear her sighing deeply.

I gulped, I can't answer that question. I mean I can, but I don't know how.

" No."

i finally answered.

" Well, do you love me?" She said that with no hesitation. She wanted my answer.

I rolled my tongue to my inner cheek. I know that if i answer, it might break her heart, but it'll break mine too. I stood quiet.

" That's what I thought." She said, then stand up from the couch, she faced me and walk over the couch as she appeared infront of me, so close.

" Do you like me? no." Her voice was so cold and rough, her breath fanning my face so quickly. Her hurtful eyes sharply glaring at mine.

" Do you love me? no."

" And do you even own me?" She widened her eyes as she evilly smiled— yet sad. " No!" Her words stung me.

" So stop being an asshole and leave me alone."

She looked at me for some few seconds.

" Bitch." She said and stormed out of the common room.

" Damn it." I whispered.


I stood outside the Slytherins dungeons, my body was complete stone. My mind zoned out. I feel like, I want to forget this horrible memories.

" My life is meant to be a mess." I whispered.

I strode infront of the dungeons, but before i could get any further— a rough grip holding on my arm made me turn around lazily— as he said,

" For fuck sakes, just listen to me!—" His voice deep, knuckles clenched.

" No." I shook my head. " I don't want to listen."

I turned around and after i took a step forward, he moved infront of me as he grabbed my shoulders and roughly pinned me to the wall next to us, he placed his hand on the sides of my face, one of his hands turn into fists.

He looked at me so eagerly, and furious. But i dont want to lose, i sent him the same glare. My head tilted up as he towers over me.

" What?" I said as my teeth greeted. He didn't respond, he was just staring to my eyes deeply.

" What are you going do, huh?" My eyes widened at him as he rolled his tongue in his inner cheek.

His face came more closer to me, then my breath hitched as I felt his grip on my throat.

" Shut the fuck up and listen." He widened his eyes at me and teeth greeted.

" Did you heard me, malfoy? I said no." My voice rude— I moved my face more closer to him, our nose touch if one of us move.

His grip on my flesh tightened. He let go and grab my arm and yank me as we came back inside the dungeon. He was walking fastly I almost stumble with every step I go.

" What are you doing?" I tried to stop but he was gripping my arm hardly, I can't even free myself from his hold. Then my brows furrowed when I notice were infront of his dorm door. " Im not going in there." I kept shrugging my arm but he won't let go.

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