Ch 8:

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Armins P.O.V.


Well, here goes nothing.

I regret that. I should have just asked Connie. He'd probably be able to find out some information even if he'll never need it. I could have saved myself from this torture.

When I finally was able to explain that I was not going to be doing the doing, Eren decided that he would call Levi over because Levi is the one with experience as a bottom. Which meant he had to tell levi everything I told him.

Having an angry looking older man stare you down was one of the most nerve wracking experiences I have ever had.

When we finally got down to talking though, I kind of think it was an okay experience. While it was very awkward I was able to get some good advice and information from Levi. So the awkwardness wasn't for nothing thankfully. I also no longer have any doubts that I preferred dating males.

I wonder when I will actually ever put information like this to use though.

Speaking of putting information to use, I finally found the time to talk to Jean properly after like a week of stupid nothingness. He told me, yet again, he likes me a lot and would like to be my boyfriend. That was yesterday

And I didn't really know how I felt about that so I had to be the weirdo I am and tell him to give me a day to figure myself out and then I'll tell him my answer. Today is the day that I tell him that I do want to be his boyfriend and see where it goes from there.

Wish me luck


The next hour was completely magical. Never in my life did I ever imagine that my first relationship and official confession would be so thought out and like it was straight out of a movie.

Just kidding

It was a complete disaster.

Nobody knew what to say and we were in a public park near one of the trash cans that smelled really gross. It was bad but hey I still said yes cause even though the setting wasn't the best, I still liked the guy a lot and decided that I would very much like to be his boyfriend.

Let's hope that we last.


Hi hello, tis I the author that never updates with I guess crappy news. I am not going to be writing this book anymore because I honestly do not feel like it but I will keep it up cause why not. Also I don't know if I'll write anything longer than three chapters. At least until I get a new laptop cause my current one is absolute shit. When that will happen is like never cause I'm so poor. T^T
But yeah that's how it is, sorry I just don't feel like writing anymore and I feel like if I force myself to continue I'll make everything shittier than this chapter.

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