Ch 6: Hi, I'm Shannon

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Armin's P.O.V.


"This is your entire fault Connie! If you hadn't been a dumbass and not gotten a chicken like I told you we wouldn't be doing this right now!" I said, to which he responded with angry grumbles about how I always blame him for everything

If only Connie hadn't let the chicken loose we wouldn't be cleaning right now. I mean, can you believe it? Instead of just having to sit in a classroom for detention, Reiner is forcing us to clean the hallways and some classrooms! Who does that?

And to make things worse it wasn't just Connie that got in trouble, no, Reiner thought that anyone that had knowledge of the chicken was to be punished. So it was Connie, Sasha, Marco, Jean and me. Sasha was involved with the purchase of the chicken itself so that is why she's here.

Currently we were cleaning the science classroom. I enjoy science but the cleaning is absolute torture. Since we work with a wide variety of chemicals very often some things stick to the tables and floor and will never come off. Even so, we have to clean the whole freaking room until it's absolutely spotless.

Right now I was muttering curses at Connie's stupidity while I tried to scrape something gooey from one of the counters that lined the room. I don't know what the weird gooey crap was but it smelled absolutely putrid.

While I was cleaning the smelly crap off the table and actually being productive, Connie and Sasha were playing with the chemicals and acting like mad scientists. They even went as far as making Sasha's hair look all frizzy and wild. I wasn't the only one that noticed them being idiots.

"Hey! You two better cut the crap and start cleaning!" Jean wasn't all to happy about being forced to do this so I can see why he is mad. He might also be mad because we were interrupted yesterday before anything could be cleared up so we're still not sure where we stand. Even so, I'm hoping that we do end up as something. That would be nice.

Reiner didn't let us go back to our dorms until eight thirty. We weren't able to finish cleaning all the assigned rooms and hall in one day so we still have to come back tomorrow and finish the rest. I sighed in relief when I was finally able to flop onto my bed and relax my tired limbs, too bad my peaceful moment didn't last long. Right after I sighed I heard a cough coming from my left, it was jean. Oh yeah, we still need to talk about the "incident".

"Um Armin, can we uh, maybe talk about what happened yesterday?" Well fuck, I didn't expect him to say something this suddenly. Oh well whatever, I'm just going to grow a pair and tell him strait forward what I feel.

"Jean I-I um, I really uh, well you see, about that." Well I failed. I knew trying to just be strait forward would be a horrible idea. I need to come up with something! Come on Armin! You're one of the smartest in your school you can come up with an answer!

"I like you Jean Kirschtein!" I half shouted as I felt my face heat up from the realization of what I had said. Idiot! What was I thinking? Jean probably doesn't even like men, much less like me!

"What? You- you like me?" Jean, of course, looked appalled. Well who wouldn't after being confessed to by a guy?

"It's okay, you don't have to respond. I understand that to strait people this is really gross and stuff but I can't control who I like, okay."I should've just kept my mouth shut. Jean is probably thinking I'm abnormal. Why do I have to be so stupid?

"NO! I-I mean, no, I don't think it's weird at all! Actually I've been meaning to tell you for a while now but I've never really had the chance." What the hell? He doesn't think this is weird! Wait, something to tell me?

"Armin when I first saw you after falling off that horse I thought you were an angel and that maybe I had died or something. Oh god, this sounds like some crappy chick flick but, I think it was like love at first sight." I don't think my ears are functioning properly.

"So Armin, would you be my boyfriend?" They definitely aren't functioning properly! What am I supposed to say? I don't know what to do!

Blonde Hair and Horses (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now