Ch 6 cont. Hi, I'm Shannon

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Armin's P.O.V.


Do you know what happened next? No? Well I'll tell you just what happened next. I fainted. Now, I know what you might be thinking. What the hell Armin? Why are you going around and fainting? What is going through your brain!

The answer to that is nothing because I can't handle stressful thoughts so my brain took the easy way out and shut down for a while. I know I'll have to deal with this when I wake up but I'll figure everything out when the time comes. Now that I think about it, didn't Jean already tell me about his feeling before? Or maybe that was a dream... Oh well I'll find out when I come to.

When I finally regained consciousness about three hours had passed. I never knew that I could actually pass out so it felt kind of awkward to wake up and be told that I just randomly fell while having a serious conversation. My back hurts. I must've fallen on it or something like that. I was expecting to wake up in the nurses office or something but nope, I was just in my bed as if nothing had happened.

I looked around for a bit but then noticed that this wasn't my bed, what? Whose bed am I on if I'm not on mine? What room am I in? What the hell?

I looked around some more when the door opened. It was Mikasa... Wait, Mikasa! If that's Mikasa and I'm not in my dorm then I must be in the girls dorm! How did she even manage to get me in here without getting caught or in trouble? Didn't her roommate have something to say about this? I better not be the one taking the blame for anything.

"Oh Armin you're awake." She came over to me and say on the edge of the bed. "Are you feeling okay?

"Mikasa, why am I in your room?" I asked. I seriously needed to know why and now.

"I didn't want to leave you in the same room as that jerk; you should request a room change." She said with her usual blank face. Why would I ask for a room change? I think rooming with Jean is okay. He isn't rude at all and even though a lot of stuff has happened in only a few days I already kinda like him.

"I don't want to change dorms. I'm perfectly fine with how it is now." I replied. She didn't seem too happy with that answer. She didn't seem happy at all. I don't see why she is being so protective over me, she is usually only like this towards eren and only slightly to me. Even is she had a sudden change in thought and decided to be overprotective like a mom she has no reason to worry about Jean. He isn't a bad person as far as I know, can be kind of stupid at times but never rude or disrespectful or anything of the sort.

What if Jean is actually a bad person and Mikasa can somehow sense it? Nah I'm probably just over thinking again. Anyways now that I know where I am I can leave and go back to my room. But first, how am I supposed to get past Mikasa? Maybe I could distract her? Nope that's out of the question. What if I just ask? Yeah right! That's like telling her she's stupid. That would probably make her go off or something of the sort. Does that mean I'm going to be stuck here until she decides to let me go? But I don't want to! Maybe I can call Eren and he can convince her...Eren! I know what to do now.

"Hey Mikasa." I called to get her attention.


She didn't look like she was paying me much attention but what I'm going to tell her will get her full attention for sure.

"Do you know where Eren was last night?" and now she's staring straight at me.

"No. What did he do?"

"He went out with Levi." Got her.

In the next second Mikasa was up and running out of the door. Now I just need to get out of here before anyone can see me. I started to get up only to fall off the bed and onto the floor. Maybe I was out for a bit more than three hours. I finally managed to stand up and started walking to the door. Right when I was going to touch the doorknob someone from the hall opened it.

This must be Mikasa's roommate, well shit.

What do you say to a girl when she finds you in her dorm and you are a guy? Yeah, I have no idea either. I should have just left as soon as I woke up, or at least attempted to because I would really have preferred to avoid a situation like this. At least if I get kicked out I can take care of my grandpa.

I was snapped from my thoughts when a hand was put in front of my face, it was the girls hand.

"Hi, I'm Shannon. Mikasa told me that her friend was going to be in here. What's your name?" she said. The girl, Shannon, was a few inches taller then me like almost everyone else in this world is. She has shoulder length red hair and freckles dotting her nose and a few on her cheeks. She must be a good person if Mikasa still has her here and hasn't switched for someone else. So I stuck out my hand.

"Hi my name's Armin."Who knew that in a week I would really regret ever meeting this person.

After introducing myself and a brief explanation that I am a male not female I finally managed to leave and go back to my own dorm. Once in front of the door that lead to the dorm room I hesitated for a second. I still haven't cleared anything up with Jean. What am I supposed to do? I still don't know anything about relationships or dates, I can't even talk to most people because I never know what to say. Ugh! I'll just dive in and figure it all out when the time finally comes.

With that in mind I opened the door and walked in.

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