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The rain falls against the wooden planks of the ship, thunder roaring and the crashing of waves against the boat overpower the shouting of the people on the deck of the ship. The four people outside are drenched in water and sweat as they try to steady the ship through the ferocious storm. The rain fell like bullets raining from the sky, creating a loud patter sound each time one would fall and hit the ground. The sky was dark, covered with storm clouds for as far as the human eye could see. Although, the roaring of the storm wasn't the only thing roaring...

In the captain's cabin, decorated with elegant designs and priceless artefacts, each with a story behind how they were obtained by the captain sitting in the centre of the room. The captain was a girl, dressed in a sleeveless red vest lined with gold, and a black eye-patch bearing the Houshou Pirates emblem, which was a heart, half-filled with an arrow through it, covering her right eye. She sat crossed legged in her chair observing the situation from the window beside her. The storm raging outside was abnormal. It had just appeared out of nowhere and started wreaking havoc against the sea. Thunder striking the water illuminating the ocean for just a moment. Lightning struck once again but it didn't just illuminate the ocean. There was something in the water, and it's roars were accompanied by the howling wind and drops of rain pounding against the ship. Something was coming. And it wasn't going to be good.

Just as the captain started to raise herself from her chair, the door flew open. And in the doorway was a small girl in a blue-ish green dress, drenched in water.

"Senchou! There's something in the water!" Said the girl in green, slightly out of breath

Senchou is what the captain is called and goes by many names but the captain's name is Marine.

"I can see that Rushia, do you know what it is?" Replied the Marine

"How the hell am I supposed to know? It's so dark out here!" Rushia shot back "Flare is trying to identify it but by then I think it would have already found us"

"Alright, tell Flare to get ready to battle and get everyone else ready as well"

Rushia closed the door and could be heard shouting to the 3 other people on deck, even the sounds of the storm couldn't mask her loud voice. Senchou stood up and flicked her red pigtails and grabbed a beautifully decorated gold tube and left the captain's cabin and stepped into the rain.

Senchou's ears were filled with the falling of rain, the crashing of waves but most importantly, the angry roars of an unidentified sea monster. She was looking out towards where the dark silhouette would be, with the lightning confirming where the ocean beast was. Each time it would emerge from the water, the sound of waves hitting the mysterious creature filled the air. Marine walked closer to the edge of the ship when the sound of someone landing on wood caught her attention. Behind her was the Dark Elf Flare, one of Senchou's friends and one of her crewmates.

Shiranui Flare had long golden hair and dark tanned skin. Her eyes were amber orange and staring into them could calm anyone. Flare's outfit was blue and white in an almost kimono-like design missing the bottom half. A katana was strapped around her waist, hidden away by a sinuous sheath, whilst showing the Houshou Pirates emblem at the end.

"Marine, I can't tell what's coming" Said Flare "But whatever it is, it's big and it's angry. Even without knowing what it is, I can assume it's the source of the storm."

"So defeating it is the key to ending this storm?" Asked Marine "Also, where's Pekora and Noel?", looking around the boat. Flare pointed downwards where sat a girl with bunny ears, in a white and blue bunny outfit, using a cannon attached under the deck. "Ahh, there's Pekora." Senchou said as Pekora turned to face Marine with a happy grin, in response to Flare's pointing. "And Noel?" Just as Marine finished her sentence, the whistling of someone falling through the air pierced the sky followed by a thump. Noel had jumped down from the topmast said Flare as Noel stood up, brushing herself off. Noel, the only one who looked like they were ready for battle, was dressed in dark grey armour with gold accents covering her lower legs, left shoulder, and breasts. She also had gauntlets made out of the same ultra-hard metal whilst underneath her armour was a white and cyan short dress and had a cape that went down to her ankles.

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