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The sound of doors opening and closing echo through the long hallways. Marine slowly regains consciousness and is met with an unfamiliar scene. She is faced with a tiled roof on a bed being pushed by people in a weird garment. Bright squares emitting light cause Marine to squint her eyes. Her entire body was numb and voices of people murmuring became clearer. It sounded like they were speaking a different language, saying words like 'sedative' and 'paracetamol' just as fast as she gains consciousness, she falls back into a deep sleep.

Feeling as if no time has passed, Marine wakes up in a bed and the scent of antiseptic fills her nose. She looks around and notices her change in apparel, from her pirate getup to a bland, blue one-piece gown. On her arms, she can see wires entering into her body ejecting something into her from a plastic bag held up by a metal stand. Next to her, a constant beeping emanates from a weird box with wires that lead to a clip attached to her index finger. She uses her hand to turn the weird box which displayed numbers that fluctuate but stay around fifty-five.

After what feels like an eternity, another person appears next to Marine and starts talking to her. She explains what happened to her and how just one day a beam of light appeared from the sky and how you were just laying on the ground in a really damaged state. Then mentioning the fact it was a week ago. Marine panics and asks if there was anyone else but the nurse replies with "You were the only one there and no other beams of light have brought anyone else to this world." Marine looks down in an almost defeated look until she remembers the scene of that world of light she was immersed in just before fading to black and ending up here. The nurse turns to leave but Marine speaks up just as she turns around.

"Uh, where am I?" Marine asks

"Tenshia, it's a peaceful country and is advanced in medical care for people who come from other worlds. You aren't the first one from your world to arrive here." replies the nurse."You are currently in a hospital in the central area of district 2." Marine stares in disbelief towards the nurse and the nurse simply smiles and leaves.

Marine thinks to herself about what she should do next. This time a different nurse appears with a small metal tray on wheels. This nurse explains that she will be moved to the apartment block for people from other worlds in district 4 and that someone will be staying with you to get used to this world until you find what you're going to do. The nurse moves the tray close to you and on the tray was her original clothes as well as a new set of clothes in a style she hadn't seen before. The nurse then detached her from the machines and told her to get changed into what she preferred and meet her down the hallway. She stares at the clothes and decides to put on the new outfit. She stands up and puts on the new set of clothes and then stares at the reflection on the metal tray. The clothes were denim jeans, a white shirt and a hoodie. They were a bit large but either than that, the set of clothes were perfect. She still looked the same but her eye patch was missing revealing that one of her eyes was a bright yellow instead of red like normal. Marine stares at her reflection for a bit longer before deciding to put on her eye patch. She leaves and heads down the hallway with her old clothes held in her arm.

She reaches the end of the hallway where the nurse is waiting for her. "Follow me this way." She says as she takes a turn down another hallway. Marine silently nods and follows. As Marine follows the nurse, windows show a world unfamiliar to Marine. There are buildings that pierce the sky, people walking around in clothes she's never seen before. But what's most shocking to her is the people living in this city.

She glares downwards and sees beings of different species living together in harmony. From cat-people and dog-people to angels and demons all living in the same space, working together and even being friends. Marine notices she's falling behind and so half-jogs to catch up with the nurse whilst asking "Hey, how does this place not break out into fighting with all these different types of people living here?"

The nurse replies saying "They've all come from different worlds with different logic and physics to their one or your one. They've also lost something precious to them, and so they think of this as a sanctuary to live a more peaceful life regardless of what's happened before." She goes on to say that because each of them has had the similar experience of losing something, they don't they want to inflict that feeling to people who have already lost something, even if they are a demon or monster.

They reach the end of the hall and the nurse departs after saying "Please wait here and the person who will stay with you will meet you here." 

Marine takes a seat and waits for the person to arrive.

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