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Around five minutes pass until the sound of footsteps fills the silence.  Marine stands up and looks towards the source of the sound. It was a girl, blue hair and blue hair. She wore a grey striped dress. She also wore a  beret which matched her dress. It also had a mini crown attached to it. She approaches Marine and asks who she was.

Marine replies to the girl by introducing herself.

"Yes, I'm Marine, Houshou Marine. I assume you're the one who will be looking after me right?"

"Yup! That's me your shooting star, the idol Suisei Hoshimachi!" replied the girl.

Marine and Suisei stared at each other.

"What..?"  Marine replied, now full of confusion.

"Nevermind, as I said, my name is Suisei Hoshimachi, you can call me Suisei if you want. Anyways use this." Suisei throws Marine a bag. It was a grey backpack, the same colour as her clothes but just not stripped. "You can put your clothes in there for now." Marine opens the bag and stuffs her clothes in there and hastily closes the bag. Marine equips the bag on her back and says "Alright, where are we going?" 

Suisei smiles and says "Just follow me!"

Suisei leads Marine into an elevator and presses the button that says PL - 2. The entire way down, Marine was clinging onto the railing panicking and breathing heavily. Suisei stares at Marine with worry and asks "You good?"

Marine stares at Suisei and says "H-How- does this work?" Suisei stares for a moment and then bursts out in laughter. "THIS ISN'T A JOKE!"

The elevator stops and the doors open to reveal a car park, filled with cars of various colours. Suisei tells Marine that she can let go of the railing. Marine slowly lets go of the railing and slowly stands up straighter and exits the elevator.  Suisei walks further into the car park and Marine follows.

Marine looks around in awe of the cars stored here and asks Suisei what they were.

"They're cars. Basically, a metal box with wheels powered by another metal box inside the car which allows the wheels to move forward."

"Wow... " Marine says

"But you can't operate one because you don't have a license."


They arrive to one of the cars in the car park. Marine assumed it was Suisei's as it had her displayed on it along with her name in large letters. It was a sleek blue car with golden rims. Inside it had two seats each with leather of the finest quality.

Suisei pulls a set of keys out her pocket and presses the button causing the lights to flash

"Wow! Sugoi!" Marine says in amazement "How did you do that?"

"The key sends an invisible signal to tell the car to unlock," Suisei says "Go to the other side and pull on the handle to open the door."

Marine practically jumps to the door and pulls on the door handle, opening the door. She hops in and puts her bag in the space where her feet are and waits for Suisei to get in the car. Once they were both settled in, Suisei tells Marine to pull the belt over and secure it in the lock, which they both do. Suisei then uses the key to turn on the car causing it to roar which echoed in the car park. And now that the car turned on, RGB lights lined the interior of the car. The gauges were a light blue and the console on the front was also RGB. The car was manual so it had a gear knob but the knob was the handle of a katana and the e-brake was a full-on katana.

"Are those real?" Asks Marine

"Huh? Oh what, these?" Suisei replied as she pulled the katana out of the gearbox revealing part of the blade. "These are all real, even the ones in the back." She then lifts up a flap revealing even more weapons including guns swords and axes.

I'm about to live with a psychopath! Marine thought to herself as Suisei puts the swords back in their place and starts to reverse out of the parking space.

Suisei turns the wheel and pulls the e-brake causing her car to slide. She then moves the gear stick into a different position and releases the e-break. "This is gonna be worse than the elevator so you better hold on!" Suisei said with a sadistic smile on her face.

"Ya be"

Suisei pushes down on the accelerator and the car roars through the car park. Suisei constantly switches gears and uses the e-brake to drift through the car park whilst Marine is holding on for her life. As they are going through a straight, they approach a spiral ramp going upwards. Suisei presses the accelerator even harder as Marine tells her to slow down. At the last moment, Suisei slams on the brakes and turns the steering wheel to drift up the ramp and then slowly taps on the accelerator to maintain speed.

They reach ground level and Suisei starts picking up speed again. She pulls out a ticket from her pocket and lowers a window. Suisei starts tapping on the console which caused the car's suspension to lower. Suisei drifts around another turn before facing the exit where light is entering from. She holds her arm out of the window and presses more buttons on the console, leaving the steering wheel unchecked. "THERE IS A BARRIER!" Marine screams. The car lowers, even more, and Suisei puts her hand back on the wheel, causing it to scrape across the ground but at that moment, they pass a ticket machine and Suisei pushes her arm further out causing the ticket to go in lifting the barrier. But the lowered car hadn't needed to wait for barrier and just drives pass while Suisei taps on the console again causing the car to return to normal height.

"Are you crazy?" Marine shouts

"Yes, yes I am." Suisei replies instantly

"Oh, ok."

Marine sits down and they stay silent for the rest of the trip. Most of the trip was on a highway and the traffic wasn't bad so it was a smooth drive the rest of the journey.

30 minutes later Suisei slows down and turns into an alleyway which then expands into a small parking lot. The car comes to a stop and Suisei starts tapping on the console again. A few seconds later, the floor below the car descends and within a few minutes, the once boring car park scene changes into a high tech garage full of other cars of various colours. Suisei turns to Marine, who is now asleep, and shakes her awake. Marine panics and starts speaking gibberish before realising that she was with Suisei in the car.

"Alright, we're here!"

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