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Cursed creatures emerged from the sky tear heading straight towards the town causing destruction and chaos. The once organised and perfect town set ablaze laying in rubble and ruin.

Marine's first opponent stepped up. It was an abomination resembling an ogre. Its body pulsated with cursed energy which looked like it would burst out of it any moment. Marine spared no time and attacked first, cutting it down in one hit.

"Get back!" A voice shouted behind Marine

Marine instantly jumped back just as the corpse burst, releasing the innards of the beast. She turned to thank the voice but he was already under attack. She rushes over to the short person and cuts down the attackers.


"Alright then, can you handle yourself?" Marine asks

"No," He replies. "In that circular building, a bunch of them are there. They are smaller than that ogre thing but there is a lot of them so I might need your help with them."

He proceeded to pull out a object resembling a drill with what looked like a claw from a claw machine on the end of it and shoots towards the building. The projectile then starts drilling through the wall and fired flames on the other side of the wall setting the enemies on fire. The boy then pulled a hexagonal disc from his yellow jacket and throws it towards the wall, and as it flied through the air, it transformed into a ball that crashed into the wall revealing the monsters behind it. He signals Marine to follow him through the broken wall. The blue and yellow-haired boy shoots a volley of bullets into each monster and reloads at lightning speeds as Marine tried to keep up but as soon as she's swung, a barrage of bullets tears them to shreds. The boy moves around like a ninja, almost as if he is gliding around at super speed. 

Suddenly the sub-machine gun clicks, signifying he was out of ammo, but that wasn't the end of his assault. He pulls out the small drill-gun and fires the projectile directly into the monster's forehead.

"Behind you," Marine shouts "Watch out!"

The boy turned around and threw the sub-machine gun at the last monster stunning it. He then pulls out an oversized pistol and blasts its head, finishing it off.

"That should be it for this area," He says "For now at least, thanks for the help, uhh,"

"I'm Marine."

"Thanks Marine-Senpai, I'm Astel, don't forget that!"

The boy does a weird finger symbol before disappearing in a blue flash.

On the other side of the town, Suisei and Haato were fighting together. They were attacked by winged beasts. Similarly to the ogre Marine fought, it had tumors on its body that pulsed with a weird purple energy all over its body. It had a long wing span and its head looked like a deformed bat head neck frills like a horned lizard. It was an aggressive attacker, swooping to attack constantly giving its victims no time to breathe. Its loud screeching can be heard from a great distance and sounded like the stuff from nightmares. Suisei and Haato had fought off so many of these creatures that they'd lost count on how many they've killed. Suisei hacked and slashed all of the creatures that were foolish enough to swoop down at her but none of her cuts were clean. She was too distracted to fight properly and she became very agitated. Haato blasted any of them in the air with magic. Suisei was visibly tired out from fighting and the shock of her past surfacing yet again wasn't making it any easier. She estimated it's been a solid two hours since the start of the battle.

'Soon, they'll come, I know they will' Suisei thought.

 Suisei stopped and looked around and only saw death and destruction. Almost none of the buildings were standing and she can only see groups of people fighting in a desperate attempt to stay alive. 


Suisei thought.

'Marine, where are you?'

"Suisei!" Haato shouted, "Suisei, stay focused! Another group is approaching,"

Suisei turned her focus on the next group of beasts approaching. 

'They're here'

This time the flying beasts were bigger and resembled dragons. Not only that, they were mounted. Armoured soldiers armed with shields and lances just as tall as the opponent wielding them. They act and attack in a completely different manner and attack in formation. They are more organised than the monsters at the beginning where they would randomly attack and wreck havoc. The mindless monsters was the Forlorn Hope of the enemy force and their main force was here.

All of a sudden, a blue portal emerged behind Suisei and Marine and Astel jumped out. As they did, the portal disappeared just as fast as it appeared.

"Oh thank God you're still alive," Said Suisei

"Don't worry, I'm still in top fighting condition, I won't die so easily, I'm a pirate remember!" Marine replied.

Marine, head to toe, was covered in dirt and she was scratched up everywhere. Her clothes were damaged and Astel was just as damaged as she was. Marine turned to Astel and thanked him before he opened another portal and disappeared into his void. 

"It looked like you need help and so here I am to help," Marine said as she readied herself for battle. "I've learnt a few tricks after fighting with this sword. Watch this,"

Marine's sword started glowing purple as electrical sparks started to revolve around her sword. She crouched down preparing to jump. Once the electrical sparks stopped and a ring of electricity consumed her sword, she leapt off the ground with so much power she left a crater where she once was. She met the dragon riders in the sky and swung horizontally at the rider at front releasing all of the electrical energy the sword built up. The soldier and dragon's body was not enough to contain all the electrical energy so several branches of lighting shot out of his body and each time another person was hit, another branch of electrical energy shot out of their body into another decimating almost all the dragon riders in the sky. They fell out the sky like birds shot out of the sky and as they hit the ground, they crumbled into chunks of meat and ash. Marine landed down gracefully and bowed like she was in theatre. The surviving enemies started their assault as they start to swoop down and point their lances at the trio. Haato moves to the front and binds them with her magic and Suisei pulls out a carbine rifle and guns down the bound enemies. Marine fires bolts of lightning on the rest of the monsters.

Mysteriously, all the monsters that were attacking other people stopped. They turned and grouped up under the tear in the sky. 


A yellow bolt of lightning emerged through the tear and where the monsters just grouped together. As the lightning dissipated, an army of soldiers riding amalgamations reminiscing pegasi, geared to the brim with armour and weapons made from a similar cursed energy. In the centre of it all was a familiar reptile, and next to it a figure that sticks out like a sore thumb. The figure glowed a brilliant blue. Marine instantly recognised the dragon, it was the same water dragon that attacked her at sea in her own world. This time, she could see more details like the dark blue to dull emerald gradient and the deep blue eyes that could strike fear into the mightiest of fighters. It was coiled around the glowing figure. All the remaining participants gathered round Marine including Astel Their small group only consisted of around fifty people when originally there were around 200 - 250 people originally. The army of the opposing side approach the ground as Marine's eyes fill with anger as she recalls how the dragon destroyed her ship and attacked her friends but on the other hand Suisei was filled with more anger remembering how her friend was taken away from her by the glowing figure.

In a powerful voice, the radiant opponent commands their army to attack.

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