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The army began their siege. A large group of them greeted Marine, Suisei and Haato. Marine charged the enemies as Suisei launched a barrage of bullets with her carbine whilst Haato rained down magic. Marine cleaves through a dragon rider and uses the momentum from the swing to strike down several more. They cleared the group of dragon riders only for another, yet larger group of them to descend. Haato, unable to fend off all of the dragon riders backed into a corner. One of the dragon riders prepared to strike. Out of  nowhere Astel's portal appears but instead of Astel appearing, a volley of bullets flew out of the portal taking some of the attackers out and drawing the attention of the dragon riders. Astel then jumps out with a white and green katana and a black kunai. Haato stands back up and readied spells for their counter attack. Astel throws the kunai at one of the dragons, causing it to reel back and throw off its rider. Astel quickly cuts the rider as it falls and quickly drags the kunai through the dragon's body, finishing it off. 

"Tsk," The blue figure's voice echoed, "Guess it's your turn, go have your fun."

Her dragon roared in delight as it charged towards Astel and Haato. Marine shouted at them to move. Astel and Haato notice the charging dragon and were able to move out of the way just in time. The blue dragon flew back into the air and roared as a blue ball of fire grew inside of its mouth. This time, it turned its attention to another group fighting off other dragon riders and aimed its attack at them. The fire ball directly hit the group and the impact launched them into the air.

"Astel!" Marine shouted whilst pointing at the airborne group, "Use your portal and catch as many as you can, Haato, assist Astel with saving them!"

Astel nodded and disappeared into the void, reappearing by the people in the air and bringing them down. Haato cast a magic net which allowed everyone else to land safely. Distracted by everyone, Marine suddenly noticed the dragon had disappeared. Her eyes dart to find the dragon and as she turned around the blue dragon charged at her. She quickly tried to block with her sword but the force of the dragon shattered the sword into pieces like a metal ball hitting a glass pane. The dragon then launched Marine into the distance into the remains of what use to be a building.

Suisei, although locked in combat, saw Marine get attacked by the dragon. Her eyes fill with anger and she grit her teeth with rage. Suisei switched her focus onto her current opponent. Suisei grabs the dragon rider and slammed it into the ground. She grips her axe with one hand and sprinted towards the dragon. All the dragon riders had switched focus onto Suisei and started to block her path.

"Move out the way!" Suisei shouted as the slashed her way through the dragon riders. She kept swinging and cleaving through the wall of dragon riders. Suisei's eyes started glowing a bright blue and a trail of light followed her. As she charged the last group of dragon riders, Suisei felt a burst of energy build up inside of her. She became surrounded in a blue light and moved towards each dragon rider at extreme speeds like a flying comet. Suisei emerged from the light as she passed the last dragon rider, and continued running. And as she emerged from the light, the last remaining group of dragon riders fell into cut pieces of meat.

 She reached the dragon and she was going to wedge her axe into the dragon. She swung down but an unknown force stopped her from following through. Quickly, Suisei releases her axe and catches it with her other hand. She turns to swing but the attacker suddenly appeared in front of her. Suisei loses her balance and the new attacker struck her in the stomach, winding her. She looks up at the attacker and they glowed a familiar blue.

"You...!" Suisei groans as she attempts to throw a punch. The figure moves out of the way to avoid the miserable attack. The figure's glow started to fade, unveiling a female figure with long navy hair with eyes like the sea. She wore a white jacket with sleeves going just beneath her elbows. Underneath her jacket was a set of dark blue battle gear consisting of multiple plates of armour with a blue glow between the seams. She wore greaves resembling dragon scales which also gleamed a lighter blue between the seams of the scales. She stares at Suisei on the floor in disgust. She turned her back, preparing to leave but Suisei jumps up from the ground and tackles the woman, knocking her down to the floor. She grabs her axe and swings down on the woman but she put up her arms blocking Suisei's attack with her armour. The woman releases a burst of energy to knock Suisei off of her. The woman stuck her arm towards the dragon which caused the dragon to fade away, and as it did, dragon horns and wings grew out of the woman. A dragon scale pattern appeared under her eyes and shone a bright blue. Suisei gets up and prepares to fight but the woman is already on the offensive and threw a punch at Suisei. Suisei narrowly dodges but The woman follows up with another punch. Suisei raised her arms to block and the force of the punch sends Suisei sliding back. The dragon-girl appears behind Suisei, but expecting it, Suisei turns and lands a punch surprising the woman. Suisei tried to follow up on her counter but the woman had already recovered and one of her arms was surrounded in a blue energy in the shape of a blade and slashed Suisei in the body and sent her into a rock, knocking her unconscious. 

She turns to the onlooking crowd.

"Remember my name, the destructor of this world. Akumi Tokage, The Dragonbeast!"

Marine laid in the rubble, unmoving. Her eyes remained closed. No matter how hard she tried to force them open she couldn't do it. Nor could she move her body. But her fighting spirit hadn't given up. Her fighting spirit was trying to break the limitations of her body when suddenly a familiar bright light replaced the darkness she saw. Marine had returned to that room of light. And just like before, the bright figure was there. Marine could see more of this person. They wore a white cloak and underneath they wore a white jumpsuit both accented with a holographic sheen.

"Welcome back, Marine." Their voice was a smooth deep voice. Marine tried to speak but no sound came out of her and she couldn't move her mouth. "Don't bother trying to speak, for now you are unable to speak to me until more of our power has been released, just know that my name is Omegaα. I will grant you the power to fight Her general, Akumi Tokage. Then we can speak again."

Omegaα snapped their fingers and power starts flowing through Marine's body. And as the room of light fades, Marine catches a glimpse of her face and Omegaα's yellow glowing eyes and gentle smile.

Akumi was raining havoc upon the remaining people who were desperately trying to fend off her attacks. Her dragon was out dishing out fire balls and trapping the remaining group in a ring of fire.

Further away, a beam of light emerges from a pile of rubble.


A loud explosion threw massive chunks of debris into the air. A figure levitated inside the beam of light. Akumi instantly focuses on the light and her dragon immediately set off the the wall of light. As the dragon approached, lustrous spears were fired at the dragon quickly immobilizing the dragon sending it to the ground. The light fades away and Marine glides to the ground. Akumi recalls her dragon and approaches Marine. Akumi stares at Marine, she had her eye closed and a holographic aura surrounded her. Marine looks up and removed her eyepatch. She opens her eyes which had changed colour to a radiant orange.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2022 ⏰

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