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Suisei drives into a car-park and parks her car on the first floor. She tells Marine to follow Haato and they both follow the pathway into the building connected to the car park. Suisei heads toward a ticket machine to pay for her parking. Suisei then jogs towards the path, catching up to Haato and Marine.

They enter a massive emporium filled with unique items, weapons, cooking utensils, and everything that you could need. The emporium was a sight to behold. The cold marble floor reflected the light emanating from the glass chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. The massive pathway in the middle separated into its own branch like a tree leading to all types of things you could buy. The voices of people chatting filled the store and made the place lively. There were shelves with items stacked on top of each other while there were also digital shelves where items would be delivered to your location by drones hovering just above. Suisei pointed in a direction and they all followed. Suisei showed Marine all types of weapons and items she could use. With each turn, there was always something new that Suisei could show Marine. Grenade launchers, swords, guns, everything was there. The trio spent hours looking for something that would fit Marine.

Exhausted, they turn another corner hoping to find something Marine was good with, and there it was. Marine's eyes brightened as she gazed upon her weapon of choice. Suisei and Haato sighed in relief. Marine sprints towards the item and grasps it in her hand. Marine picks up the massive sword. It was a beautifully decorated sword. It had a firm wooden handle with a red crystal on the pommel. The blade itself was red and black and was a single-edged great sword. On the lower half, there was an engraving of a symbol. It was purple and consisted of erratic lines, similar to that of lightning. Marine could feel the surging of power as she held the weapon. She held the sword upwards preparing a swing. As she did, the purple engraving started to glow purple whilst the sword itself started to glow a faint yellow. As Marine swung the sword downwards, a trail of electricity followed. Reality kicked in and Marine realised she was dead-broke and a sword like that was probably not cheap at all. Marine walked back to where the weapon was displayed and read the price tag

650,000 Credits

"Si-Six hundred and fifty THOUSAND?" Marine's mouth dropped.

"Don't worry, I'll pay for it, but you'll owe me big time." Suisei said.

When Suisei and Marine reach the counter, the cashier asked if they wanted to buy a quantum storage module for the sword. Suisei explained to Marine that the quantum storage module allows you to store things inside a small area so it's easier to carry around. It's a small, sleek, white disk with a handle in the middle. On the edges, a light emanates a soft glow that changes color depending on what is stored inside the disk. Marine requested the storage module and Suisei completed the purchase.

"Haato's already in the car waiting so we should get going now."

Marine follows Suisei back to the car. Haato was waiting for them. Suisei unlocks the car and they all sit inside the car.

"Anyways, you haven't told us where the wave is happening." Marine said

"Oh right!" Suisei replied. She pulled out her phone and tapped a few times on the screen and placed it facing up on the storage compartment in between the two front seats. The phone projected a map of Tenshia above the phone and Suisei scrolled the map until a pin appeared on the map in a suburban area of Tenshia in the southwest. "Right here." Suisei pointed at the pinned location. "The wave occurs in around under an hour and it should take around half an hour to get there giving us some preparation time once we arrive."

"This is so exciting!" Haato exclaimed.

Marine said nothing and just stared at the map.

"Alright then, let's get going!" Suisei announced as she started the car engine and drove towards their destination.

When they arrive in the southwest suburbs, the sky was dark and rain was drizzling. The area was basic and everything looked the same. Most buildings were identical and all the grass was cut evenly. The town looked perfect. There were no defects in architecture and everything was in prime condition but the town was desolate and no one else could be seen except the groups of people participating in the wave. 

"That's not a good sign." Haato murmured.

"Hm? What did you say?" Asked Marine

"Oh, nothing!" Haato replied.

Suisei glances at her phone to check the time.

"We arrived a bit late, we have fifteen minutes until the wave starts, get prepared." Suisei pulled out an axe from the back of the car and locked it. Marine tapped on the disk and her sword materialised in front of her.

The ground started to shake, Suisei stared towards the sky and Marine looked at Suisei before looking at where she was staring at. Haato returned to Suisei and prepared for battle. Everyone went silent and stared towards the sky. A singular point appeared in the sky slowly expanding. It was like staring into an abyss. Suddenly the spreading point collapsed and disappeared. Nothing happened. 

The sky ripped open. 

The shockwave from the tear blew the clouds away and a black abyss poured out from the rip and seeped into the sky.

"I-Is this normal?" Marine asked. There was no response. Suisei was frozen in fear, and she mouthed the words 'Not again,' staring at the incoming creatures from the tear in the sky. Haato grabs and shakes Suisei back to her senses. 

"Suisei, you're never like this! C'mon, we gotta fight!"

"Yeah... Yeah." Suisei gripped her axe tighter.

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