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How could I ever forget? The first wave was in my home town. I lost everything that day. 

My rural village in the middle of nowhere was what inspired me to follow my dreams. I wanted to sing on a stage and dance and entertain. I had a partner who had the same dream as me but I've forgotten their name even though they were dear to me. We wanted to perform to our town so we had our first performance in the town centre but that's when it happened. An ear piercing screech erupted the skies, the day turned to night and countless numbers of unseen monsters flocked down onto our small village. We were defenceless. We had no way to fight back and I watched our small village be decimated by an unrelenting incursion. Blood. Screams. Burning. My senses were filled to the brim with negative stimuli. I was only twelve. I was dragged away by my friend down the alleyways of the village until another blood curdling scream echoed throughout the village. An army of soldiers riding amalgamated dragons started their onslaught killing anyone who tried to escape. A massive blue dragon emerged from the portal and rampaged on the town below and that's when she appeared. A brilliant blue figure appeared in front of us cutting us from our escape path. She pointed at my partner and said something I don't remember. My friend picked up a weapon from the destroyed weapon smith and told me to stay behind them. They did their best to fight but to no avail. They were defeated and I was there watching them about to die. Just as the blue entity fired a beam energy towards my friend, I grabbed what I think was a spear and threw it at the figure causing it to  throw off her aim. Instead of hitting my friend it directly struck me in the head. I passed out straight after. 

When I awoke seconds later, I was in the arms of my friend who was desperately trying to heal me. The beam that I was struck with caused rapid aging in my body and when I looked at my hands they'd already to age and grow. The only reason I survived was because my friend had used magic to freeze the aging and reverse as much as they could. The best she could do was reverse my age to 18 and make me immune to aging. She was able to do this because she struck a deal with the entity, their life in order to let me live. Their last words to me was;

"Suisei, live on and fulfil our dream!"

When I awoke, I was on the ground of what was once my village. I got up and there were trucks, ambulances and helicopters everywhere, trying to find anyone or anything. I was instantly approached by paramedics and my wounds were treated and they put me on a helicopter straight to Tenshia. I was the only survivor of the first wave.

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