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Suisei neutralizes Haato's dish before throwing it into the trash can.

"Why is her dark magic so powerful and why is she cooking with it?" Marine asks.

"She doesn't have dark magic affinity," Suisei replied which surprised Marine

"But why does-"

"'Why does her food have high concentrations of dark magic? '" Suisei finished Marine's sentence "I have no idea either. Anyways," Suisei pulled out a plastic bag "There is some edible food in here and you should get ready to go out. I'll be waiting for you in the main room." 

Marine nodded in agreement as Suisei left the room

Marine opens the bag and inside was plastic containers with food inside. She pulled one of the boxes out, which was still warm, and places it on the table in front of her. She lifts the lid and the aroma of the food filled the room instantly. Inside the box was noodles dripping with a sauce, pieces of meat inside as well. the Marine took a big sniff of the food, and her mouth starts watering. She goes back into the bag and pulls out another box of what seemed to be rice. She opened the box and it was rice, but this was different. It had egg in it and the heavenly smell of rice added to the smell of delicious food. Each grain of rice was cooked perfectly and was soft to the touch. Marine digs into the bag one more time and finds a set of plastic cutlery.

"Itadakimasu!" Marine said as she started to dig into the heavenly food graced onto her by Suisei. She took one bite of the noodles along with the rice and her face lit up in joy. She took another bite of her food, each giving her a fulfilling sensation. Marine had never had food like this and thought that this was high-class food in this world.  Back in Marine's world, the best thing she would get to eat is fish that Noel and Flare would catch. As she eats the rest of the food, she slouches back onto the sofa and lets out a sigh of relief of the great meal she just ate. After a few minutes, she gets up and piles the plastic boxes neatly on top of one another and places it back into the plastic bag.

Marine thinks to herself, I guess it's time to get ready, and walks into the bathroom. Marine turns on the light as she enters the bathroom and walks towards the shower. Marine starts to take off her hoodie and shirt, whilst opening the shower door and turning it on. Amazed at how water just falls out of the showerhead, she removes the rest of the clothes and jumps straight in.


Marine jumped straight out of the shower


The half-wet Marine grabs a towel and wraps it around herself and turns the shower off. She leaves the bathroom and half-runs towards the door and opens it. She pops her head out and calls out for Suisei just as Suisei appears around the corner and sees Marine poking her head out of the door.

Suisei arrives and Marine had already returned to the bathroom. When Suisei enters, Marine explains the situation which results in Suisei bursting out into laughter in front of Suisei. Suisei then goes on, telling how bathrooms work and everything she needed to know, telling her about how temperature adjustments work in the bath, shower and sink, how the toilet works, etc. Suisei leaves again and Marine prepares for her shower once more. She changes the temperature to around thirty-five degrees celsius. Marine enjoys her first modern shower, using the soap and shampoo provided in the rooms. Five minutes later, she exits the shower and dries herself off with the towel, then folds it neatly and returns it to where it was. She didn't have much choice of clothing so she just puts on her original outfit and leaves her room and heads to where Suisei is waiting for her.

Suisei and Haato were waiting for her and Marine asked if Haato was coming.

"Haato also came from another world and has participated in some of the recent waves." Suisei answers, "Anyways we better get going, the next wave happens in a few hours and we have to get you registered." Haato and Suisei stand up and start walking towards the exit. Marine follows as well.

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