Gem tangled in the anchor

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Dirotor was never introduced before, he was an otter, with good ability to swim but couldn't match against the mighty guardian themself. The glance was a familiar color, but what it shone was not what he expected: the gem. It was shone with the same color DranGon has on the eyes, but himself was not visible anywhere. Swimming closer and there was a sunken ship, broken and teared down but it seemed only to be sunk recently. The gem was hooked by the anchor, the water surrounding started to get a lot quiet, then a very loud, low but slow heartbeat echo was heard. If he was nowhere seen, where could he be, in the environment that sound travel differently than air.
Dirotor decided to swim back up and tell everything he had while under. Kropir then continue:
-How do the ship look? I think I saw some before everything happened.
-I can't form the picture in my head, the pole with the flag but it wasn't there. The anchor has something a bit unusual for me like... it has the curve below but there also another 2 of them that much longer and bigger than the rest.
-I think I know whose ship that is! It was ours ship personally. We have those to help gathering the sea for food and they usually go on like a roughly 50 days. Guessing like all the effort poured back to the sea with that storm.
The glance shone on the gem continously, Dirotor was so tempted to go back down but he was a bit tired. Corvik wanted to go down there instead but he was warned: "-It's very deep down and far. You are metal so it might not be a problem but I don't think it's safe to go down there."
He left everything and walked down the water. Strange to ask why didn't he swim? Heavy enough he could take a big breath that somewhat expanded his belly a bit and step by step stomping down in the water. He saw exactly what it was described except he heard the heartbeat from the distance away. It got much louder and louder as he got closer to the anchor. He lifted the anchor to surprisingly see DranGon was trapped under the anchor. It stabbed through one of his arm a deep cut. As underwater there was nothing but a few seaweed to wrap and carried him up.
DranGon was badly injured but awoke with:
-I think I still feel somewhat... tired. Can I sleep a bit m...more?
He glanced at his injured arm only to ask:
-What happened to it? I can't feel anything...
His arm was bleeding badly, it was a deep and also a long cut but what made him unable to sense the pain? It was surprised he asked why he couldn't feel. But...
-DranGon,... -Shawon said- can you move that arm still?
-Yes I can, only if this wasn't held down by Dirotor.
Yes, he changed...
DranGon then fell back to sleep for a whole day. Kropir was impressed to watch and hang out with the legend he loved. But he still felt worried about what inside the scroll. He tried to make up a story in mind to ask the sender directly what inside or possibly ask for rewrite. Dirotor came close and eased him out:
-It's ok, you don't have to make it up. We can go back there as DranGon needs a proper treatment.
Kropir teared and came hugged Dirotor deep, he seemed sad and thankful for the help. Hope it wasn't him being treated badly...
The next early morning, the gang carefully held DranGon on the back to avoid further injury, back at the village Kisuma once again greeted by Jypt. He was a bit shocked to see the injury and immidiately got him treated.
Everyone then told the happening and Kropir admitted everything in shame, Jypt patted his shoulder:
-Don't feel bad about it, you did your best and nothing will make you feel bad. You can come in and take a bit of rest, swimming in the flow was never comfortable.
-Thanks papa... -Kropir then went behind the door.
Shawon asked:
-Oh, he was your... son? I don't think we were introduced.
-My apologize for not telling it all. He was only my child and that news really got me panicked, even like a few days not seeing him coming back. About the scroll, I wanted to give him one last word but it's fine to not see them as I can meet you all once again.
Everyone was there with another day at Jypt's, having another big feast as DranGon recovered his wound through the day in his deep sleep. Wogan took a wander around then came inside, he really eagered to say:
-I wonder how can these food get cooked and that could keep up with these pace?
-I think you both were curious on our first day. I didn't want to tell but seems like if it's asked then I must show.
Jypt took them both to the kitchen to show them around. Nothing special, just the two skilled chef doing the cooking. This village, Kisuma, had the dark atmosphere at all time, but also bright at the same time. How could his even happen?
The blacksmiths also came over for a visit.
-Was his armour too weak?
-No, he purposely took it off for the swim.
-He swims? Oh I really forgot about that...that from the lore we heard.
-The lore? Where did you read it specificly?
-Well... here it is.
It was another book, everything inside seemed a bit different, a lot shorter that spoke about the DranGon himself. How could DranGon was worldwidely known? The question was already answered and Shawon could make out the reason. But to look at DranGon, he was prefered as "legend" by Kropir. Was he really a legend, a powerful one with many potential? Or just generally a hero? Who is DranGon and why did he fall down so many time...

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