Three Big Warrior

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It was remain to be a very chill afternoon, but the temperature outside was extremely heated up. Everyone was sleepy under the coolness of the shade. DranGon slept with the pose made by Shawon, hugging his belly with his belly pressed against Dran's. Suddenly, some heavy metal step got up. Shawon was half asleep but he woke up by that. A very big, chunky, fat, dark bird knight, came to the group was sleeping. Shawon slowly stood up to have a talk.
-Oh hey, this seem like a very good place to rest, may I also have a seat here until the outside got cooler?
-Yes, we are hiding out the burn. And who are you though?
-I'm Corviknight, the knight in the DragonNation that it was broken down a week ago.
The Corviknight leaned over and saw DranGon, he shocked looking at Shawon:
-Wait, are you with... DranGon over there?
Corviknight looked blush out, Shawon said yes and he got very excited. He also told a small story:
-Huff, it has been weeks since he was the one who fed me this. I'm glad this peice of armour is the part of my body so even if I'm stuffed even more, I wouldn't worry for an oversized armour.- Kong kong, the sound of his metal belly.
-DranGon was fixing the water wheel nearby the kingdoom, where I got my job there. I came by him and he looked very impressed of my appearance. I was asking if he had any food and... He overdone this. He dipped me into the water with him and forced me to drink a lot. I burp like crazy though, hehe. He also after finished the work, he met me again in the bar and... it was all on him. He ordered a lot of food and let I had dinner with him, well, only myself I suppose. He jumped over me and fed me everything we had like some oversize steak, kilos of bread, kilos of milk he chugged in, and so much more that I couldn't even see more by myself! Haha. I started to love him a lot at that moment and hope he would feed me like that again. Hic.
-Haha, love to hear that.
-When the meal ended. I walked like drunk people except my pant I wore as the outgoing was like... completely ripped off! The belt I wore bursted out and it slapped into his belly. The burst was too strong that I fell onto the ground and I was almost stuck there with my heavy weight, my first time though. And this big belly I got here, from him.
His belly was sort of red, it was really heated up when he was walking in the middle of the field. Corviknight had a lot to talk but he looked so tired. His eyes' strain looked painful.
-Hey, my dude. You want to come with us? We are just on going for a journey. Not sure but I'm sure that you don't want to be alone, don't you?
-Of course, huff huff. This is too much I can't, huff huff.
That fatty knight fell into the tree, blenched his belly up with his wings covered all over it. He looked very blushy. Shawon then pulled the knight up close to DranGon and...
-Do you mind if I be like this?
-Yeahhhh... -Corviknight also had the blood of being horny on main for fatties.
Nothing much for a few much days except... DranGon was in the middle of everyone's horniness. But just one day, a random day that came across a gang of theft. Three big warrior fell down onto each other in tired of walking through a jungle. Someone decided to jump in but, Corviknight caught them straight into his big metal belly, held so tight that they even faint. DranGon tried to stand up to find out there were more than expected, Wogan and Diritor were both looking for things in the jungle. Three of the big knight were so big that... they all were a big tower. No one could even do anything to them. The entire gang was pretty taken down but only the leader came out last.
-Oh jeez, you are so big.
He decided to run but three all jumped into him and caught like cats catching mouses.
He roamed and they let him away.
-You better becareful with us here.
-We three having big belly is just fun, just like titan steppings on the ants.
Both three laughed a lot for their victory but...
-Oh hey, what are ya laughing at? -Wogan returned with Diritor and asked.
-Wehhh, nothing.
Night time came over. Two small friends slept in the wood log nearby while all big chunky warriors... cuddling with each others on Corvik. He was a big, dull guy but the friendliest guy in the entire kingdoom. But most importantly, he fell asleep as quick as Dran. Shawon walked around the jungle in the middle of the darkness, searching for "things". He returned with... a few more gupper fruits, he slowly pushed those into 2 turn to turn. He did pushed in Corvik too deep inside that Corvik almost absorbed Shawon and vore him. Luckily, didn't. He fed a lot that Corvik woke up but he didn't mind but still pretend sleeping. His sudden things made him so horny that Shawon could feel it when he was sitting on top of Corvik's gigantic belly. Shawon blushed hard that he got his nosebleed and he fell unconsious. With the satisfactory of feeding the chubs, Corvik nicely placed him down on the side and slept with Dran, the guy left alone for a bit.
By the late midnight almost morning, they found DranGon and Corvik' belly bloated up even more. They were so stuffing to their uncomfortable. Shawon's also did bloat up because he ate one while feeding those two others chunky knight cuddles in the night. Corvik suddenly woke up to noitce about this and his body couldn't lift up.

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