After a bit going on, like a few days. DranGon finally got himself off the bed while standing, a big bloopy belly there.
Shawon turned around slowly and mysteriously asked.
-you want more?
DranGon panickingly stepped backward while he lost his balance into the wall, rapidly shook his head in panic.
-no no please, urp, don't.
Shawon slowly stepped closer to him. Dran tried to fit his belly closer to him. He looked frightened.
-Hehe. Don't be so serious about this. I was joking.
-I don't like joke. I'm actually sick of this now. I can't stand this more. Cough
-You couhged? Maybe you need a bit water to stay hydrate.
-Water? Yes, just a bit...
DranGon lost his balance control completely, fell flat onto the floor. Shawon brought toward him a big bottle of water.
-Here some water.
DranGon's pupils shrinked, he looked so frightened, he wanted to shout it out but he couldn't, but rapidly spoke.
-No No No please No stop No No~
Shawon plugged the bottle into his mouth. DranGon got stuck and he slowly drank those water up. After a bit of filling even more. It all emptied. Burppp. His belly bloated, his mouth floated out some water he couldn't absorb in. He fell into unconsious. Shawon was the great feeder, but it was top cruel.
-Everything all empited. How you feel now?
He rubbed his bloated belly many times. He loved it a lot. DranGon couldn't deny anything, but just accept, that why we called him a poor guy who said yes but not a no any times.
-Sleep well. You need more rest to continue~
DranGon slept for a few days through. He really got sick. Shawon felt regret for feeding him non-stop. DranGon felt dizzy everytime he woke up so he was allowed to sleep until he got better. His head was really hot, same as his body. He breathed really slow and low.
-Cough cough!
DranGon painfully coughed.
-It's OK, it's OK.
Shawon covered him with a blanket eventhough he was really hot from inside.
-Knock knock. Dirotor here. What happen to DranGon?
-He got sick appearantly. It has been a few days till now.
-Oh, poor guy.
He patted DranGon's head softly. Sat on the bed next to him.
-Stay strong and healthy.
Shawon seemed to be in a horny mood but he was trying to stop himself from it. He looked so dangerous in the mysterious look of the evil. DranGon finally got his eyes opened slow eventhough he couldn't see.
-DranGon, it's me. Are you tired?
-I feel really dizzy right now. Can I have a little more rest?
-Sure, you shall rest some more. You deserve some more.
Wogan suddenly stepped in the room as well.
-Oh hey, I found somethi... oh dear.
-Oh, you back. What did you find? DranGon is sick right now.
-I found some more eyes recovering gem. It's hard to use but it surely cures his eyes.
DranGon replied in a deep voice of sickness.
-Oh hey, my guardian. How are you so sick?
-I ate and drank too much and I got this. Shawon fed me all of those.
Both looked at Shawon angrily. He might got in trouble.
-Eh... I think I...
No more word, they both jumped into Shawon and took him down.
-Hey hey, calm down. Let's me explain this out.
While he was saying that, Wogan accidently made a last punch which knocked him out.
-Ops. I wasn't ready to stop that. Sorry for overshot it.
-Aw, that isn't your fault. That was his lesson for letting him became this.