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DranGon once again woke up in the early morning. He stood out in the balcony, looked outside. Someone also followed behind DranGon, pat his shoulder.
-How is your morning?
Wogan did that, DranGon stood comfortably, grabbed his hand and replied.
-I feel a lot better now. And the sky will be cloudy today.
-What? There is no cloud on the sky right now. How can you predict that?
-The wind blows toward us, opposite of the wind direction is the ocean. The ocean got heated up and made cloud. So they can be cloudy today.
-Oh, I forgot your religion is one of the nature.
-True. As a nature type, I'm sure know about ocean. Which means... I have read both dictionary and others book before now. And I may tell you the secret but please, respect. Don't tell anyone.
DranGon said that he had read the dictionary of himself but when? He did when he woke up in midnight and walked into the library, yet still no one knew.
-My elemental is water. I can swim and control the ocean height by a certain area.
Wogan was about to take out the book.
-Psst, put it back. Don't write it down.
-Oh, sorry...
Since DranGon got through his ill, everyone started to pack up things and onward to a new place. It been a few days and stopped by every night with a wealthy meal, bad sleeping position where they all lied literally out of order around the campfire. And nothing to be unexpected, DranGon always the one who woke up early every morning.
Khal also woke up with DranGon in an early morning, DranGon was sitting on a tree. The tree was strong enough to hold his 800 kilogram of fatness. Khal climbed up and they went cuddly with each other. Like Khal pat Dran's head and he went blushed really quick, he seemed to love being pet and rub.
-You a big cuddly dragon!
That made DranGon really delighted, he loves being called something positive. But calls him anything that negative or something he can't be obtained, it would result as an insult to him. Better don't do that or he would stare at you most of the time.
Journey on onward once again, through lots of biome, environment, challenges, time-passing travel. But eventually, they all reached to a DragonKingdom. It was DragonLand's smaller kingdom that were built into 2 separated place.
-Guardian DranGon! Welcome back! Are you here for a visit?
-Oh, I...
Dirotor openned his older book that Shawon was keeping, and said.
-He is trying to tell that the DragonLand had been taken down by the human and all had been looted up by the TigerNation. DranGon and Shawon were both luckily alive through that disaster.
-Oh dear.
A lot of villager in there were a bit shocked.
-Oh, yes. I'm sorry to tell that our king died...
-He died?! Nooo! Who will be the next king?
-Since I'm the guardian that stayed just around below the King, I would suggest that we don't need king at all. We will have to follow a few rules that already stated in our nation. If any war going on, I will be the leader.
DranGon proudly said. Everyone seemed to be agree to his idea but an old dragon farmer came up asked.
-B...But, how did you get here?
-Long short story, no one would heard the entire meanless stor...
-I have a book of he wrote all of it down. Come meet me at the center of the town tomorrow morning and I will retell it entirely.
Dirotor happily wanted to do something. Shawon whispered.
-Remember not to tell some of his secret or something negative about him, he would be upset if you do.
-Of course, I will avoid.
-And, may I ask you all one more: Can we live here now?
DranGon asked, everyone looked at him and all excitedly agreed.
-Yes! You all shall stay here.
And a big lizard builder came toward him.
-I can give you all a place for it!
-I want to help you with it!
Bowser and Wogan excitedly wanted for that. Just only DranGon was the one who didn't know what he would like to do so he was left free. Perhap he went to the forest and collected things?
-Hold up. DranGon, come with me. And also, Anyone here can provide this guardian a place to rest?
Another one small guy shouted back.
-Come with me. I can provide him.
-Follow me, DranGon, I forgot that you are still blind the entire time.
-Blind? How come?
Everyone shocked. DranGon deeply said.
-I was stabbed in the eyes.
Literally, a worse shock went up but Wogan quickly pulled DranGon off the crowd.
Wogan soaked the gem inside a big bowl of water, added some of his self-made ingrediant. While that, DranGon was having a health check and honestly, that nurse said.
-So, I didn't expect that DranGon is bigger at first. His heart beated relatively quicker than how we all do. His tail remained a bit of black at the tip. He got tired really easily as you have been knowing, aren't you?
-Yes, is he also weak?
-Let's me check... yes. DranGon seem eating and storing himself a lot of food for energy but it drained quickly. And the rest turned into fat which made him bigger. His muscle wasn't healthy. Perhap he didn't do any exercise or some strong move.
-Oh, I think that was our affection. He was severally sick so he rested most of the time. Also he willing to wake up in the early morning everyday because of his religious. Did that also affect his health?
-Not really. The main reason is that he needs to do more work or exercises.
-And... can you check like... his personality?
-It would be hard but I'll try.
The nurse put her arm in the middle of DranGon's big chest, put the top of her head into his chest for a while, and then looked into his eyes while he couldn't see but there were somethings inside. The nurse said in an important mood.
-DranGon had been in a psycho mood but he didn't make it out. He had been wanting to kill someone but he teared inside his soul, which made him really quiet because he was trying to hide and keep it unknown. And about his thought is that he was having a lot of thought going at the same time. So that made his brain worked worse in behaving and communicating.
Wogan quickly took out the dictionary, turned to where the part of how to communicate to him. It really said that he couldn't speak properly.
-You have that book? How did you have it?
-Shhh, I can't tell.
-Ok then. So, basically is that DranGon lost his mind mostly, he couldn't control himself properly so sometimes you have to look after him.
-Yes, we had been awaring onto him about this long ago. Just a split of second of me losing the attention on him, he really tried to kill himself.
-Oh, my gosh.
-Yes, he seems need to stay calm so he could control himself.
DranGon bent his head downward, started to hug himself and shrunk himself on the bed. He looked really sad. Was he having some bad thought? His mind was a mess! Wogan nicely made himself and...

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