So how was it?

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The feeling lingered. It felt strong, it felt satisfying, it felt... powerful. Dran could not feel himself at all, not even by vision or touch. To feel like immersed into another realm, into another world, it felt strange yet good. Though it did not take long until...
Dran suddenly just woke up, he was flat on the ground. It seemed like he did move somewhere and fell onto the floor after being hypnotized.
-Oh dear, I'm sorry seeing you on the floor. Really hope you are fully awake now.
-I'm... -he let out a small grunt, a small exhale to let his breath in -I'm good. It just felt really good and something ungodly to be inside those thoughts. Though why was I on the floor?
-It was a short story... that you began attacking aggressively. And t-
Dran suddenly felt his body a painful lot of soreness and it felt hard to move again.
-Yeah I can see what happened. Can you put me back on bed for a moment?
And Dran was taken back on bed, lied flat and comfortable.
-Again, I need to go out and speak to my people about you and those other people with you. May I ask... are they your friends as well?
-They are more like a family to me. Just like you do, we cover each other and help out if any of us in trouble. I'm glad we got someone we can depend on and the feeling of trusts... they are valuable.
-Now that explain it. I need to go and be right back shortly. I hope your people come back and maybe we give them a better greeting than previously.
Dran just gave a soft nod and rested his back on the bed. There seemed to be a bruise on his head, an awful aches in the hand, a bit on the bicep, horrible feeling for the chest and the back just a complete disaster. Just with this comfy bed could help let out all those. Though Dran began to think... were everyone here he had were just stray people like him, wandered around and fell in some unfortunate situations. Then what he would want to do with them, the thought went on... until he slowly dozed off into deep sleep...
It was slowly getting darker, Dran suddenly woke up in the same place and he stepped toward the door then firmly pushed it.
-Ow, careful!
Krayjer was against the wall after being hit in the face when he was opening the door.
-Oh dear, you good?
-I'm all good and strong, I was coming to get you anyway so mind you come with?
And he followed Krayjer to the door. Dran was still somewhat clumpsy as he just woke up too recently. He was led to the main entrance. This time he had a better look at the surrounding. The door was not made of the usual wood... they were made of stone carved like blocks and formed as a hook so they formed into one piece. The floor was somewhat uneven with some tiles popping out, all overgrown with vines and grass. That was...
-So everyone is here, all your people are just waiting for you and we just...
-Dran? Why you look beaten up? Is that brat hurting you?!
-Dad, I can explain though let me get down to you first.
Krayjer walked past the stair, it was broken previously but had been replaced with newer one. It was really filmsy as like intended to be a trap than a path. It was a really hidden path with the wall covered the frame and somehow latched down to the real and sturdy stone stair.
-Krayjer? Why is everyone of yours here?
He did not reply and continue leading him and let him go back with his group. Then he walked to a higher step and loudly said:
-I have had many consideration, this place may not hold up any longer and we really have to look for a new home despite the memories of this place and the lengthy time we spent together. On top of that, I might have to step down as a leader and perhap someone could lead our group. I might as well having to leave everyone here as I got a new sight on my own goal.
-Goal? -Dran was curious on what and why it happened this way.
Everyone was in a deep discussion, looking back and forward, the concerned was easily seen in the crowd.
-Or if the decision is too tough, we could completely just seperate and every of you could be on your own way too. I felt the guilt to be standing here doing the manupilation of every individuals just so we live together but I just suddenly lose the bond I had. Dragging this out won't help and I believe this is the best decision so everyone, this might be the last time we eat together and you all free to do whatever you want to, the freedom is yours from today.
-The what? -Even Shawon had to be surprised, pretty confused trying to wrap his mind about it.
Krayjer quickly headed to Dran and held onto his shoulder:
-And I have a strange request to ask... shall I follow you on your journey?
And that explained it. Dran looked deep at Krayjer and turned to his dad, Shawon. The deep look of his bright glowing eyes onto Shawon got him deep into the thoughts. He glanced to Ravirk, Dirotor and Worgan and they all gave a nod.
-I allow it, son. Welcome to the team, Krayjer.
-You can call me Kray, just so you know.
Now that Dran was able to stand a lot closer than many other times previously. Despite they seemed to be a snake, a cobra to be more accurate, they got plenty of fur... Arms and legs are fluff and plenty. And the very important detail, he was a tubby guy, not as big as Shawon but enough to be noticable. The fur they got was really unique. The color was magnificent, the crimson vermillion slowly faded to the dark blue from top to bottom. The dark coat of fur outside, but the bright glow from the inside could not make it any better, with occasional white dots made it seemed like he had a whole galaxy of his own right on the body. He wore a gold-gilded mask, braclet and a golden belt, tightly holding up his very short shorts. Even those spines on the back had to be gilded, shiny and fabulous. And finally, their beautiful mane of a cobra... it was majestic...

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