Chapter 13

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I felt unbelievably dizzy as I guided him out of the building, “is there anywhere you can go Blaze?” he shook his head, tears filling his eyes, “no she killed my mama then took me.” I sighed grabbing my wallet that I still surprisingly had, handing him two twenties, “we’re going to go to that pay phone and I’m going to call you a cab then I’m going to have you brought you somewhere safe.” he seemed hesitant, “hey do you trust me?” he nodded, “then believe me okay.” We walked towards a convenient store and I had him wait outside while I walked in.

“Hi can I help you?” I grimaced, “um do you have a piece of paper and pen?” she nodded and handed me some blank receipt paper and a pen, “here.” quickly wrote a note briefly explaining that I was leaving for a short period of time and that I sent the boy so that he’d be protected then signed it, “thank you.” I walked back out and gave Blaze the note, “give them this when you get there okay?” he nodded and we walked over to the payphone and I called the cab as I said I would.

Almost twenty minutes later the cab rolled up, “you order a cab?” I nodded and gave him the address of the old Hale house, “stay safe Blaze.” he hugged me tightly, “thank you.” I ruffled his hair, “no problem little man now go.” he climbed into the backseat and I closed the door behind him waving goodbye as the cab drove off. I checked my wallet and saw that I had a little over two hundred dollars on me so I sighed and headed to the closest ATM pulling out about three thousand in cash so that I could rent a car. 

I entered the rental store and a lovely cashier welcomed me, “welcome how can I help you today?” I ran a hand through my hair, “could you recommend a car to me that you think would be best suited for long periods of driving?” she clicked her tongue as she flipped through the book, “here’s a Chevy Impala 1968 it has great gas mileage and costs about $55 dollars a day.” I added up, “okay I’d like to rent that for two months please.” she typed it into her computer, “alright that’s $2,385 please.” I counted out the money and placed it on the counter swallowing thickly.

“Alright I’ll put it around front for ya.” I nodded, “thank you.” my heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest. She pulled around, “alright just for future knowledge just in case something were to happen it’s a $25 late fee everyday.” I nodded, “great thank you again.” she nodded and handed me the keys. I climbed in and started the car. I took a deep breath shifting into drive and taking off towards the loft. I stopped right in front of the building and climbed out making sure to lock the car behind me. I entered the elevator giving my elderly neighbor a smile.

“Oh dear your hair it looks wonderful.” I ran a hand through my hair, “um thanks a lot.” she nodded then realized I had cuts on my face, “oh dear what happened?” I played it off, “it was just a minor car accident a little while ago I’m okay now but thanks for your concern.” the elevator stopped and I rushed off the elevator before she could question the dried blood on my neck that luckily no one else had noticed. I quickly unlocked the door and locked it immediately after entering. I leaned against the door for a minute, not allowing the emotions running through my chest to not take over. I could feel everyone’s betrayal and it made me want to scream. I quickly packed a couple of bags full of clothes before writing a note to Isaac.

“I’m sorry that I couldn’t stick around to say this directly to you but I want you to know that this is the best way to keep you guys safe. I know that you feel unbelievably betrayed and I don’t blame you guys in the slightest please tell Derek that I love him just in case something happens I want him to know. I hope you know that I love you too Isaac you were like the little brother that I never had and I hope one day that you can forgive me for what I’m doing.” A single tear slipped down my cheek hitting the paper, “Tell Noah that it’ll be okay and not to worry too much and me and tell the pack I’m sorry for betraying them like this but it was the only way to keep you all safe.”

I folded the paper then wrote Isaac’s name on the front leaving it on the living room table where I’d knew he’d see it. I took one last look around the loft then picked up my bags and left not daring to look back for I knew if I did then I would most likely talk myself out of leaving and I needed to so that I could keep them all safe. I threw the bags into the trunk and took off the tires squealing against the pavement. I didn’t dare look back and I looked in the glove department finding an aux cord and plugged in my phone blaring my playlist to keep myself from falling into my head.

I watched the town that I grew up in fly by and I sniffled as I continued down the road out of town and towards the place that I swore that I would never return to no matter what happened but there was a pit stop that I needed to make first. I stopped in front of the cemetery gate to control my emotions then headed in going straight to my parents gravestones. I slowly walked up, “hey mom, dad it’s been a while.” I kneeled on the ground, “a lot has happened and I wish you were here to tell me what to do.” 

I started to sob, “why did you have to leave me? I needed you.” I hit the ground, “I NEEDED YOU AND YOU JUST LEFT ME WHY?!” I clutched my chest sobbing, “why did you leave me all alone?” I stared at the gravestones tears pouring out, “I fucked up and now I think that now I actually am all alone. I betrayed all of them to keep them safe but I don’t think it matters now because all I feel is their betrayal and hurt. They will never forgive me.” I wiped my face.

“I really wish you were here because I don’t know what to do?” I got up and kissed my finger before placing them on the cold stones, “I love you guys and miss you.” my chest hurt knowing that the only place to hide was my childhood home that I swore to never return to after their deaths.

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