Chapter 18

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Sorry but it's just a crappy filler chapter

Stiles' POV

I was on an adderall research binge and I was so close to figuring out what Scott needed when my phone rang. I didn't check my collar ID instead I just answered, "hello?" no one answered for a moment and I got ready to hang up thinking it was a prank call, "hey Stiles." I swiftly walked to the bathroom and closed the door behind me, locking it just in case my dad woke up, "Stella?" she chuckled, "hey Mischief how's it going?" I wanted to laugh that was how she responded but I was also still upset with her.

"Where are you?" she sighed, "you already know Stiles." I couldn't stop the confused noise coming from my mouth. I had searched for any kind of trace of her but I couldn't find anything. It was like she had just vanished, "but I don't." she sighed again, "yeah Stiles you do just think hard about it I'll see you soon." she hung up before I could say anything. I tried to think of somewhere she could be until it clicked. She would hide somewhere she swore never to return again. She went back home. I slammed my laptop shut and shoved my feet into a random pair of shoes and ran out of the house and sped to Derek's loft.

Stella's POV

I was awoken from my slumber by a nurse softly saying my name, "hi name is Gemma and I need to take your vitals before you breastfeed again so can up for me sweetheart." I yawned but slowly sat up rubbing the tiredness from my eyes. She first took my pulse nodding then jotted it down then she took my blood pressure, "okay looks good." she wrote that down as well, "alright lean forward for me please." I did so, "alright this is gonna be a little cold so I apologize." I jumped as the cold stethoscope touched my back and she gave me an apologetic smile.

"Can you take some deep breaths for me please?" I did as asked and hummed, "perfect alright I'll be back in a moment with your babygirl." I leaned back against the bed trying to keep myself awake while she was gone but it was like my eyelids were lead and they slowly slid shut but I jumped awake as the door to my room was opened and I smiled as I saw the small portable crib. The nurse gently lifted the baby who was making gurgling sounds making my smile get even bigger, "alright so what breast did you use to feed last time?"

"My left." she nodded, "well we need to alternate so that the breast milk doesn't overfill and become painful or cause medical issues." She laid Talia on my chest once I moved down the ride side of my gown down. Talia took a moment to attach herself but once she did the nurse checked that she was attached properly and that she was feeding, "alright I'll be back to check on her later but once she stops feeding just note how long she fed for and if you need any assistance click the nurse button on the side of your bed."

I nodded, "okay." She left the room closing the door behind her and I checked the time to see that it was only two in the morning.

"You're gonna be one of those kids huh." her grip tightened on my gown making me chuckle. I covered myself as I heard footsteps coming towards my room, "Stylianos." I gave a small smile, "hey Mischief how have you been?" his eyes narrowed, "don't do that." I gulped, "what did you want me to do Stiles and be honest with me I had just found out a was pregnant with Derek's child, I was his emissionary, and an emissionary wanted to kill me so she could claim Derek's land." he sighed, "we could have figured it out Stella." I shook my head.

"No Stiles. I wanted to do what was best for my child so I left and I don't plan on returning to Beacon Hills in the near future until I know my child won't be harmed." he eyes widened, "you still have the baby." Talia took that as her cue to start crying and I sighed adjusting the towel so I would stay covered as I adjusted Talia and pulled my gown back up before throwing the feeding towel over my shoulder to begin to burp her, "I thought Derek should know and at least have a choice if he's going to be in her life."

My breath caught in my throat as his voice came from the doorway, "I do." my voice was barely heard, "Derek." he smiled at me, "I forgive you Stella and I would definitely want to be a part of my child's life." Once I finished burping Talia I sat her in my lap, "well in that case meet Talia Quiin Hale named after both our mothers and taking your last name." he came closer, "can I hold her?" I nodded, "of course she is yours." he carefully cradled her, "hey sweetheart I'm your dad."

I couldn't help but smile at it and I noticed Stiles sneakily took a picture and I pointed to myself and he nodded sending it to me. The nurse came in, "excuse me you can't be in here." I smiled at her, "it's alright he's the father and he's family." she gave me a pointed look, "alright then I suppose it's alright how long did she feed for?" I gave her the slip of paper I wrote on, "for about twenty minutes." she nodded jotting that down on her clipboard, "well I managed to check up on your friend Luke and he's awake and asking about you."

My eyes widened, "can I see him?" she shook her head, "not yet he only just woke up and I don't want you to rip your stitches." I sighed, nodding, "I understand." she looked at me apologetically, "wait you mean Luke, Luke like that Luke?" I laughed at Stiles, "yes Stiles that Luke." he looked caught off guard, "wait why is he in the hospital." I scratched behind my ear nervously chuckling, "because we got into an accident on the way to the hospital." his eyes snapped to me, "what?!" I sighed, "a truck ran a red light hitting Luke and I but I'm fine I swear."

Derek sighed, "we both know that's probably not completely true." nurse Gemma butted in, "well she actually is relatively okay she escaped with minor injuries." Derek looked me up and down skeptically, "seriously I am fine besides when is the rest of the." I cleared my throat looking at the nurse, "family going to be here because I'm guessing they aren't far behind." Derek and Stiles looked at each other, "why are you guys doing that?" They both looked at me, "seriously that's weird stop it." Stiles sighed, "they refused to let us leave so they're in the lobby." I facepalmed.

"Of course they are." I looked at the nurse, "can you go get them please." she looked at us, "how many of them are out there?" Derek shrugged, "only ten or so." she sighed, "fine but no more than that because I don't want you stressed out." I saluted her, "yes ma'am." She left the room and they both stared at me but I avoided eye contact at all costs.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2021 ⏰

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