Chapter 11

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I sat in my car outside the station for fifteen minutes with my hand on my stomach trying to convince myself it was all going to be okay. I had called Noah's cell phone seven times with no answer at all and I was beginning to get extremely worried. I quickly walked inside walking straight past Parrish heading straight to Noah's office, "Noa-" I panicked as I ran out of the room, "Parrish where is he?" He pointed over his shoulder, "he said he was going on break." I slammed my fists on the desk, "god dammit!" He jumped at my outburst.

"What is it?" I ignored the question, "did he say where he was going?" Parrish shook his head, "gather some others we need to find him and we need to find him now." Parrish looked like he was ready to protest, "look we can play the stupid game if you want but I know about the supernatural and I can sense your aura a mile away so either gather other fucking officers or stay the hell of my way. Noah is my family and I promised his son that I would bring him back safely now are you helping or are you just in my way?"

His expression seemed terrified but he grabbed his radio, "this deputy Parrish I need four officers back to station we have an emergency about the sheriff." I heard the walkie's static but I wasn't registering anything that was said as I began to panic. I chewed on my thumb as I paced back and forth trying to think of where he was. He couldn't have gone very far since his car was still parked in the Sheriff's parking space. Parrish walked in front of me and placed his hands on my shoulders, "you need to calm down we'll find him it'll be okay."

I shoved his hands away."Yeah I'll believe that when I see him in front of me alive and in one piece." I sat in one of the chairs and ran a hand through my hair, "I promised him Parrish what if I can't keep it." He sat next to me, "then you tell him you tried your best there's nothing more you can do other than that so just take a breath for me before you pass out." I chuckled, taking a deep breath, "yeah you're right one step at a time." I pressed my hand to my stomach, "one at a time."

He looked at my hand, "I know it's none of my business but the way you said that and I can hear another heartbeat are you expecting?" I swallowed thickly, "yeah I don't know what I'm going to tell the father yet it's a bit complicated for us at the moment." he placed his hand on my shoulder, "like I said earlier be honest and straightforward I'm sure he'll understand." four officers came in, "what's the emergency Parrish?" I stepped forward, "it's Noah err I mean Sheriff Stilinski he's in danger and now he's not answering his phone at all and that's not normal for him and he's been off the radar for over two hours now."

He looked at me like I was crazy, "and you don't believe me do you?" he crossed his arms, "we need evidence we can't just go searching just because he doesn't answer your call." I growled under my breath, "fine I'll find him myself but if anything happens to him I'm coming after your ass." I stormed past him and I heard hurried footsteps behind me. Parrish was right behind me, "I'm not letting you go looking by yourself I don't if I lose my job over this." he held the door open for me and I chuckled, "y'know you've changed since you tazed me."

He looked sheepish, "yeah I'm just a little overprotective." I patted his shoulder, "I forgive you Parrish just don't fucking taze me again that shit hurts." he nodded as he headed over to his squad car, "meet at the park?" I nodded, "22nd street?" he nodded in return. I climbed into my car and turned left as he turned right. I scanned the sidewalks looking for any sign of him but felt my hope disintegrating as the minutes ticked by. I looped around heading to the park. I saw Parrish leaning against his squad car as I pulled up, "anything?"

I shook my head, "not a single sign how about you?" he sighed in defeat, "nope, nothing." I leaned against the car beside him, "you're probably going to think I'm crazy but I think I know where he is and I need to go alone I need you to go to the old burnt down Hale house and go inside you won't be able to leave because I lined the doorway with mountain ash." (I know that's not how mountain ash really works but let's just go with it okay? Okay.) He sighed, "are you absolutely sure about this?"

I shook my head, "no really but I can't risk anyone getting hurt if anyone questions you tell them Stella sent you." he nodded and climbed into his squad and watched as he drove in the direction of the old Hale house and once he was out of sight I climbed into my car and headed towards the abandoned warehouse again. I knew it was a bad idea as I stared at the deteriorating building but I needed to save Noah and get him to Stiles in one piece like I had promised him I would.

The blonde seemed so familiar and I gasped as I realised I knew who it was, "Avery oh my god we used to be best friends in elementary school (primary school for those elsewhere from the US)." I couldn't believe I forgot her I climbed out of the car and stormed toward the building I slammed the door open, "I KNOW YOU'RE HERE AVERY I'LL GIVE YOU TEN SECONDS TO LET NOAH GO YOU CAN HAVE ME AND ANYTHING ELSE YOU WANT JUST LET HIM GO!" I heard her heels click, "hmm I already told you what I want and it definitely isn't you."

I threw my hands up, "use me as leverage but good luck I don't know if you heard but Derek and I are no longer a thing he doesn't care about me anymore so I don't know how well that would work out for you." she tapped her chin, "deal." she snapped her fingers and Noah appeared in front of me his face bloodied and I blinked tears back as I brought my hand up, "I'm so sorry you got caught up in this." he shook his head, "Stella you can't." I nodded, "I have to go to the old Hale house Stiles is waiting for you."

I gave him my keys, "tell him I love him." I brought my hand up and watched in disbelief as it began to glow golden and his wounds healed. I shoved him towards the doorway, "I love you Uncle Noah no matter how much I pushed you away I hope you know that." I blinked as I appeared in a chair and my hands were strapped down, "oh you didn't just think I was their emissary did you?" she traced a knife down the side of my face applying pressure until the skin broke and her eyes flashed purple, "I was the hybrid of the pack." she opened her mouth to reveal fangs and I screamed in pain as she bit into my neck and she wasn't too nice about it.

Shhh I'm not supposed to update but I couldn't leave you guys hanging I'll just have to write chapters after I do my schoolwork and he's at work...

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