Chapter 15

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^^ Her Outfit^^
Luke and I arrived at the bar exactly at seven o'clock and we rushed inside to see Daniel looking relieved, "oh thank god I was beginning to think that you backed out last minute babygirl." Luke and Daniel did a bro-hug type thing, "what are you doing here man?" I patted Luke's shoulder, "you mind if we do a duet for old times sake." I pulled the whole puppy eyes and Daniel crumbled, "as long as you guys don't make the customers leave do as you please." I hugged him, "thanks bubs." I sat down at the piano, repositioning the microphone.

"Ready Luke?" he nodded as he adjusted the mic stand, "are you?" I nodded, "yeah let's do it." I wasn't used to performing in front of people since it was usually my way of unwinding and I liked to keep it to myself but I knew I needed money and this was the easiest way I could think of. I began to play the opening chords of the song I luckily didn't sing as much as Luke, "she had eyes like crazy diamonds and you ran with feet of clay. They rolled the windows as tight as they would go. It was a smoggy day."

It had been so long since we sang together I just could wipe the smile off of my face, "she looked up and asked me if I ever had a lover but I did not betray and I turned on the radio and looked the other way." The song ended quicker than I remember and I smiled over at Luke, "thanks again for doing that." he nodded and hugged me of course I'll be over at the bar if you need anything else." I watched him walk over to the bar and take a seat then wave at me.

I rolled my eyes, chuckling then stood up and picked up a guitar, "ok this next song is called Stay by Florida Georgia line." I took a deep breath and started to play, "I'd sell my soul just to see your face and I'd break my bones just to heal your pain. In these times I need a saving grace." I saw Luke smile at me and give me a thumbs up as he knew how hard this was for me, "but time is running out and I'm starting to lose my faith but if I told you I loved you would it make you wanna stay."

More people began to walk into the bar and Daniel looked so happy compared to the last time I saw him, "I'm sorry for the way I hurt you and making you walk away and if I wrote you a love song and sang it to everyday would it make you, make you wanna stay?" My fingers began to hurt from playing since I hadn't played in almost a year the last time I played was when Luke and I were coming up with a song together right before I left. I knew it would be harder to leave this time than it was the last.

I quickly finished the song and took a sip of water from the water bottle sat on the piano for me, "ok I know a lot you probably don't remember me but I'm Stella Stilinski and that man bartending over there is Daniel Mikaelson and he is like a brother to me and the man sat there with the gorgeous flowing hair is Luke Falcon they both help me through some really rough times my mother and father were from around here and instead of facing my trouble like I should have I tucked tail and ran because I was scared."

Daniel and Luke both looked confused, "I told Luke that I was done writing for good but that was a lie because over the last year I wrote a song and I'm hoping you guys can give me some feedback then we'll do some song requests is that alright with you guys?" they all cheered and I told a deep breath returning to the piano, "I call this song Rise Up." I closed my eyes collecting myself for a moment, "you're broken down and tired of living life on a merry-go-round and you can't find the fighter but I can see it in you so we gonna walk it out and move mountains."

I felt butterflies in my stomach and couldn't help but smile, "and I'll rise up, I'll rise like the day, I'll rise up, I'll rise unafraid." I saw one or two people with tears in their eyes and I swallowed thickly continuing willing my voice not to crack as tears filled in my eyes, "I'll rise up and I'll do it a thousand times again and I'll rise up high like the waves I'll rise up in spite of the ache I'll rise up and I'll do it a thousand times again." I let the piano fade and everyone clapped making me smile.

"Thank you I'll take that as you guys think it's okay?" they cheered and I chuckled, "noted okay well I'm out of water so can I have a little bit more before I continue please Daniel." he filled a glass and handed it to Luke who gave it to me, "got keep hydrated for the little eh?" I nodded, "well I'll let you get on with the show." he ruffled my hair making me swat his hand away and take a big gulp of water, "okay so any requests?" one woman raised her hand, "yeah?" she hesitated, "complicated by Avril Lavigne."

I smiled, "ok good choice guitar or piano?" she motioned to the guitar, "okay." I grabbed it but decided to stay seated on the piano bench playing the intro, "chill out what you yelling for lay back it's all been done before and if you could only let it be you would see I like you the way you are when we're driving you in the car and you're talking to me one on one but you've become." I grimaced as I missed a chord.

"Somebody else round everybody else you're watching your back like you can't relax you're trying to be cool but you look like a fool to me tell me why'd you have to go and make things so complicated I see the way you're acting like somebody else makes me frustrated." I realized how much I could relate to this song and the song ended quickly again and I checked my watch, "wow jeez nine o'clock already time flies doesn't it I'm gonna take a break for a little bit then I'll come back."

There was a mixed reaction to that causing me to chuckle and when I stepped down the woman who made the request tapped my shoulder, "excuse me could I talk to you." I saw her eyes dart around nervously making the hairs on the back of neck stand, "yeah of course let's just head to the back so it's easier to hear each other." she nodded, "y-yeah okay." I placed my hand on her lower back easing her forward, "squeeze my side twice if you're in danger." she nonchalantly placed her arm around my waist and squeezed twice making me walk to the bar faster for the keys to the back.

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