Chapter 3

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Stella's P.O.V.

After waiting for around twenty minutes or so to make sure that Derek was actually asleep I slowly started to creep out of his embrace, freezing when he shifted. Luckily his grip loosened and I slipped free and I gathered my clothes getting dressed quickly as possible. I practically ran out of the house rushing to get my car started and out of there. Scott and Stiles were still up when I got back; they were in the living room still playing video games. Scott studied me as I stood in the doorway and his nose crinkled and my eyes widened as I realised that he could probably smell Derek all over me. While Stiles was still looking away I held a finger to my lips silently pleading for him to keep quiet.

“Hey how come you were at Derek’s so long?” I could hear the accusations in his tone, “calm down Mischief he helped me out earlier and so I repaid him with a drink and he wanted to know more about me and I simply lost track of time, anyway I’m exhausted so I’m gonna head up to bed.” I pointed to the both of them, “don’t stay up too much longer, you both have school in the morning.” they both nodded with a, “yes ma’am.” along with their goodnights. I climbed the stairs to the guest bedroom that I’ve been staying in for the past year since I didn’t have the courage to stay at my parents house ever since they died. 

Right as I laid down my phone buzzed and I groaned fishing it off the night stand to see a text from Scott, “we’re talking about this later and you need to tell Stiles or I will.” I sighed replying, “I need to figure this out first Scott we can talk in the morning I’ll write you a late slip for school but Stiles cannot know until I understand what happened myself got it?” he replied with a thumbs up and I groaned rubbing my face, “what am I gonna do?” I whispered in the dark room. I could feel the guilt of my actions eating at me and I just wanted it to stop.

I know I had just met Derek but I could feel myself catching feelings for him and I didn’t want that. No matter how many people said his past was bad I could guarantee that mine was worse and I was way too damaged for a nice guy like him. I traced the tattoo I got in honor of my parents sighing, “I wish you were here to tell me what to do.” For a brief moment it felt like I heard the chuckle of my mother but I wrote it off as my sleep deprived brain messing with me. I didn’t even remember falling asleep but I definitely remember waking up.

I sat up with a scream bubbling from the back of my throat I thrashed as arms wrapped around me, “NO NO PLEASE STOP NO!” the voice of Noah brought me out of it, “shh Stella it’s okay I’m right here shh.” I silently cried in his arms as I recalled the memories of the dream flashing before my eyes. I cleared my throat removing myself from the embrace, “um sorry.” he kissed my head knowing I wouldn’t want to talk about it, “I’m always here if you need me Stel remember that.” I gave him a weak smile and he left my room with a sigh. 

I looked at the clock groaning when I saw that it was six in the morning time to talk to Scott and try and figure out what happened. I got dressed and saw Stiles waiting for Scott, “hey Mischief I need to talk to Scott I’m gonna give him a ride to school.” he looked at me skeptically for a second before nodding, “alright well I’m gonna head out then.” I grabbed my wallet and gave him a twenty, “stop and get breakfast. I know you don’t eat the school food.” he side hugged me, “I love you Stella.” I properly hugged him and just held him a minute, “I love you too Mieczyslaw remember that.” his nose crinkled at his real name but smiled at me before turning and leaving. 

I took a seat on one of the barstools and covered my face trying to figure out what I was gonna do, “okay first thing did y’all use protection?” I busted out laughing at Scott’s bluntness and it was something I really needed in the moment, “yes Scott we used protection.” he nodded, “so do you like him or was this a one time thing?” I struggled to find an answer but decided to be blunt as well, “I don’t know how I feel I haven’t allowed myself to feel since-” I stopped myself shaking my head but Scott finished the sentence, “since Josh.” I nodded, “I just met him. I can’t like him so soon I’m just gonna get hurt again. I can’t do it again Scott I just can’t.” he took a seat next to me.

“Well I think you and Derek should talk this out if I’m being honest.” I shook my head immediately rejecting that idea, “no, no I am not going anywhere near him until I figure out how I truly feel about him I don’t wanna lead him on if it’s nothing.” the way my heart dropped when I said it was nothing made my heart speed up, “trust me when I say Derek is in no way, shape, or form anything like Josh he will treat you one hundred percent better.” I took a shaky breath nodding, “well I still need to figure this out.” he grabbed my hand squeezing it, “I might not be as close to you as Stiles is but I am still here if you need me.” I hugged him, “thanks Scotty I’ll remember that now let’s get you to school I’ll even stop and get us some breakfast.” 

We climbed into my car and stopped at a local diner and got some food for takeout and I quickly walked in the school with Scott, “hi I’m here to sign him in.” She handed me a clipboard and I signed my name. When she read it she lifted a brow, “Stilinski hmm, didn’t you graduate from here a few years ago?” I nodded, “yes ma’am.” I patted Scott’s shoulder, “I’ll see ya later Scotty.” I headed out but he called out, “wait um I want you to meet someone.” next to him was a blonde, curly headed boy I didn't notice before, “oh hi I’m Stella.” I stuck my hand out, “Isaac.” 

He wearily eyed my hand before shaking it, “well if y’all need a ride later just give me a call.” I grabbed a sticky note from my side bag and wrote my number on it and handed it to Isaac. It felt like a bond instantly formed with Isaac and I couldn’t explain it and it was stuck in my head for the rest of the day. I tried to shake it off but the thought just wouldn’t leave my head.

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