Chapter 4

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The thought of the bond that formed with Isaac wouldn’t leave my head all day; it was driving me crazy. I had promised not to get too close to anyone but for some reason I knew I could trust Isaac my phone buzzed and it was a message from Derek I ignored it, flipping my phone over. I hadn’t gotten the chance to figure out what I was genuinely feeling for him but I knew that I was scared to find out due to my past with Josh. Josh treated me terribly along with his friends and other family.

Long story short Josh was very abusive to me and constantly cheated on me. He was one of the people that shaped me into the person I am today. My phone buzzed again signaling a call and I was going to ignore it since I thought it was Derek but it was an unrecognized number so I answered, “hello?” Isaac was on the other side of the line, “hey um I know you don’t know me but could you possibly give me a ride?” I smiled, “of course Isaac that’s not a problem would I be taking you home?” the panic in his voice was evident.

“NO, um no please I can’t go back there.” the instinct to comfort him kicked in, “alright that’s fine hun I don’t have to take you home you can come back to my place.” I had bought a loft about an hour ago due to the fact I felt like I was smothering Stiles and Noah along with the fact I needed time alone to figure this Derek thing out. I placed the phone between my ear and shoulder as I lifted one of the final boxes into the back of my truck, “Isaac hun you still there?” his breathing was shaky, “y-yeah.”

There was only about twenty minutes left until school was over, “okay well I’m gonna make my way there to pick you up. Do you want to stay on the phone with me until I get there?” he sounded strained, “I don’t want to burden you.” that’s when it clicked in my head, “Isaac you would not be an inconvenience to me I promise you that and so do you want to stay on the phone with me?” his voice was trembling, “please?” I smiled, “okay then I’ll stay on the phone with you.” 

I was five minutes from the school when I heard voices enter the area Isaac was in, “oh is the baby gonna cry?” they were mocking him and it set off a rage I didn’t know I had especially when I heard Isaac let out a faint whimper, “Isaac I’m almost there.” I sped up and was there in less than a minute, “Isaac where are you in the school.” his voice was hushed so I assumed he was hiding, “locker room.” I ran towards the back of the school where the locker rooms were located and spotted the open door I ran in and spotted three boys that obviously had the ‘popular’ vibes coming off of them. 

I growled, startling the three of them, “leave him alone he’s done nothing to you.” the ‘leader’ of the group gave me a smirk, “we’ll leave him if we get to show you a good time.” I grimaced, “yeah I don’t feel like going to prison for statutory rape thanks.” I saw Isaac creep out from one of the rows of lockers, “c’mon Isaac we’re leaving.” one of the lackeys threw something at Isaac and I caught it and saw it was a lacrosse ball and I held it up, “seriously?” I threw it back and watched as it made contact with his stomach.

I grabbed Isaac’s hand, “c’mon.” we walked to the car and I wanted to leave before Stiles could see me and ask about the boxes and stuff, “what’s with all the boxes?” I smiled but it dropped when I saw he was grimacing, “sorry it’s none of my business.” I rounded the car and held his face in my hands gasping when I saw he had a black eye, “Isaac honey what happened?” he shrugged, “my dad was angry and don’t worry it’ll be healed in a few hours.” I gently ran my finger against it, “well if you want you can stay with me from now on the reason I have the boxes are because I’m moving into a new loft I just bought and I have the extra room.” 

He looked hesitant, “I wouldn’t offer this stuff if I didn’t mean it Isaac trust me.” he nodded, “ok.” I smiled, “great hop in.” with that I sped off towards the loft. We arrived and it was my first look inside and I was impressed by the size of it. I honestly expected it to be smaller and in the corner sat a piano and I walked over setting down two of the four boxes I had. Isaac insisted on carrying the other two, “you play?” I shrugged, “I haven’t in over a year.” 

The night my parents died but I kept that part in my head, “Stiles doesn’t even know I play.” I ran my fingers over the keys and softly played ''Happiest Year by Jaymes Young'', “And I'm down on my knees again asking for nothing thank you for the happiest year of my life. Thank you for the happiest year of my life, ooh.” Isaac looked impressed, “keep this between you and I?” he nodded, “of course.” I sighed looking at the time, “you smell anxious and scared.” I rolled my eyes muttering, “creepy how you and Scott can do that.” 

He nodded, “takes time to get used to that’s for sure.” He sat next to me on the piano bench, “you wanna talk about it?” I sighed covering my face, “I slept with Derek and now I’m trying to figure out how I feel.” I laid my head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arms around me, “I promised myself no more guys after Josh who is a really shitty guy and now I’m falling for a guy I just met and I feel so stupid for letting this happen.” he ran his thumb up and down in soothing circles.

I realised I could feel emotions other than mine, “do you feel anxious right now along with contentment?” weird combo but I kept that thought to myself, “yeah how’d you know?” I was confused, “because I can feel it.” he looked at me weird then his phone buzzed making him fish his phone out of his pocket, “there’s a pack meeting I have to go.” I nodded sitting up and I felt lonely without the contact and he gave me a small smile, “you need a ride?” he nodded and as we stood he wrapped his arm around me making me smile as I felt genuinely comfortable for the first time in a while.

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Derek Hale Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now