Yonjuu- Gardener adopts two curses for a day, chaos ensues.

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"(M/N), we have a problem" Ieiri said.

"When do we not? What's wrong?" I sighed

"There's a cursed child" Ieiri began her statement.

"And?" I raised a brow.

"Apparently it can cause bad luck from it's cursed ability if exposed long enough. Don't worry it doesn't last that long but some if the reactions can be delayed. The child will die in a day from now anyways. Nanami got the curse" Ieiri explained.

Eventually, this finally lead her to saying why she told me about this which was because she wanted me to take care of the curse since I might be decent at it. Sighing, I muttered how I wouldn't be a good parent but it was too late when I heard a knock on the door and Nanami walked in with the children in hands. I was somewhat shocked to see there wasn't one but two children. I glanced to my left and even Ieiri wasn't expecting it since her eyes were wide and her eyebrows were raised. Turns out, these two curses worked together.

One was very angry and stomping their foot while the other was holding their shirt, crying and snot was all over their face. Sighing, I picked both of them up and immediately the angry one started kicking me while the other started crying into my shirt. Nodding my head, I took my leave while the curse was screaming at me, calling me scary titan, resting bitch face, unhappy, meanie and the list goes on for insults as I took them to my garden while the other let out loud wails that hurt my ears. These two were a lot to handle.

"Meow" Neko tilted his head.

"It's alright Neko, don't eat them" I mumbled.

"Eat?! You're feeding us to your demon, you sicko!" The aggressive curse hit me.

"Oi, don't say that about Neko, he wants to be a cat, let him" I chastised.

"Pffttt, eww resting bitch face doesn't even get angry. What are you a psycho?" The aggressive one sneered.

"Nee-chan w-we shouldn't be so mean" The other cried.

The kicks were pretty harmless and I got used to the crying quickly. I never had the urge to hit them if they got too loud and I learnt to deal with it. They're just children who weren't used to the strange environment. Quietly, I continued to the garden before carefully opening and closing the gate behind me so I could put the kids down. I plucked some apples, pears, bananas and oranges which I washed before putting in a basket for them. I took off my jacket leaving me just in my white tee shirt.

I used a rake and pushed it into the ground so the stick would hold upright before placing my jacket over top it and the fence, giving the kids some shade. I didn't want to make them uncomfortable so I left to continue gardening. I was minding my own business until the angry curse which was now much more quiet came up to me, kicking my leg. I bent down and picked them up before asking what was wrong. Both of them wanted to join in too so I nodded and brought out the smaller tools. I instructed them as best as I could and they nodded before I let them get to work.

However, taking care of two children isn't easy especially when one accidentally hits the other and the other takes it as an opportunity to fight back, throwing the tools at each other the moment I turned my back. Sighing, I heard loud crying from the both of them and saw purple blood coming from both their wounds. Simply, I picked them both up and took them under the little shade I made earlier before using the reversed technique on them. One was sobbing about the nee-chan beating him up and the other was huffing angrily at the sibling.

"I hate you swo much, Aoi!" The curse screamed.

"I-I don't hate you, Ai" Aoi whimpered back.

"I-I still hate youu" Ai mumbled.

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