Yonjuuichi-Miwa admiring the Gardener's chest. Shes's a fan.

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My gaze admired the clear blue sky that was filled with fluffy clouds that looked like cotton candy. The bright light from the sun shined down but the thick forest of trees and the endless branches of leaves provided shade for us. There were speakers all around us as we heard Gojo's cheery voice come through to tell us there was one minute left. My brain was melting away at the new plan but I agreed to it nonetheless. The words of the Kyoto teacher were somewhat encouraging from how brutally honest they were.

Kneeling on the ground, I pulled my cat out of the shadow and into my arms. The lazy yawn my cat let out quickly left because even he was excited. The cunning and shining glimmer in his eyes means he knew what was about to happen.

"Neko, it's hunting time" I huffed

"Meow" My cat rubbed his head on my leg.

Without hesitation, Neko grew to be slightly bigger than my size and Kugisaki freaked out because of Neko's size before the horns blasted, signalling that it was time to begin. Immediately, I ran the opposite direction and narrowly avoided a hit from Todo who continued to ignore me before rushing off for the others. My eyes darted around the thick forest as my cat and I split into two teams.

The plan was to divide the whole are into four with Toge taking down one part, Fushiguro another and my cat with me would take down the last half. Effectively this would cut down the timing but if we didn't find it then I would just meed to hunt all the curses I could. Swinging my shovel as I jumped and spun my body, I knocked down a few more curses onto my growing list. I'm sure Neko was having a great time eating the curses he wanted.

My feet left soft footsteps as I jumped from tree to the ground to take out a variety of curses. Still none was in sight.  Occasionally, I would use my first and imbue it with energy before destroying multiple in an area but that felt weird. Something about the densities of the trees to the current was I was taking down curses felt oddly nostalgic even though I've never partaken in this before.

"All is one, one is all. Everything must be balance through luck"

Pausing momentarily, I looked around to see if anyone was talking to me. That sounded just like me... but with a deeper voice. How odd. I'm going crazy again like usual. Definitely another Monday. Shrugging my shoulders, I went back to scanning the area until I finally reached the borders. Still nothing... then I saw it the second grade curse. Ew, it was already bloody. Better than Itadori snacking on the fingers like its good.

Quickly, I ran and swerved my body before using my shovel to hit it, cutting off a limb. The thing spat some green goop out of his mouth that I dodged but it smelled really bad and in the moment of hesitation, I saw the fresh trees become rotten. The nerve of this curse to hurt nature. I'll kill it. Dodging to the right while keeping balance by using my left foot, I raised my shovel above my head and swung down quickly in front of its face that was morphing.

The curse was exorcised and Neko finally came along to eat the remains of the curse as a paper dropped to the ground. Walking over hesitantly to pick it up, I tried to read it. It was a congratulations note so I pulled out my phone and took a picture of it before looking over to my cat who had grown to be double my height. He had one of the eight legs of the creature sticking out of his mouth that he smugly ate.

"Lazy bum" I commented.

"Meow" My cat rejected, swishing his fluffy poofed up tail.

"Enjoy your food I guess, no kissies after this" I stated.

"Meeow" My cat meowed sadly in pain.

Shrugging my shoulders as a response, I pulled out my phone and tried to message the others but there was no reception so no wifi. Oh no, at least Neko got a got good meal. I spotted another curse and decided to dash up to it before striking it down in one blow, three of the ones I've killed aside from the second grade had talisman on their foreheads of different letters. This was very weird... I could only hope I didn't have to decipher it. I'm too dumb for that. I'm already struggling in Gojo's class, no need to use my braincells outside of that.

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