(8) Please Stay 2- ;(

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⚠️TW: Suicide, Knifes and Guns⚠️

Your POV:
"Why did he leave me for you, Cat?", I said, I didn't even know named Cat.

"Because I'm more special than you, Y/N."

"How do you know my name?", I asked.

"I don't know, maybe because Spencer mentioned you during one of are... chats.", Cat said with a smirk on her lips.

"You little BITCH!", I replied as I hung up the phone. I sobbed again as I stood up from the couch. I walked over to my bathroom mirror and looked at myself. No wonder why Spencer left me for that Cat girl.

I decided to go to Penelope's house for advice. I didn't work with Spencer but when me and Penelope met we became best friends. I packed up some clothes, my toothbrush and other important things like my phone and phone charger.

I left me and Spencer's apartment and walked down the stairs. I walked on the sidewalk as I made my way to Penelope's house. I decided to take a short cut down an alley way because it was cold outside because it was winter. I heard footsteps behind me but I just kept walking. I looked behind me as I felt a sharp pain in my stomach.
Spencer's POV:
I stopped at Morgan's house for advice if leaving Y/N was a good idea for her safety.

"Reid, why would you leave her? She's probably heart broken right now.", Morgan said as he sat on his couch.

"Because I did it to protect her from Cat.", I said as I walked back and forth in front of Morgan. I stopped walking as I heard my phone ring from my pants pocket.

I reached down in my pocket for my phone. I felt it and pulled it out. I looked at my phone screen as it said Unknown Number. I looked at it for a few seconds and then swiped right to answer the call.

"Hello?", I said, looking at Morgan as he mouth who is it? I mouth back I don't know.

"Hey, Spencie. Do you remember me?", the voice on the other end said. My eyes went wide as I heard that familiar voice.

"C-Cat?", I said with terrified voice.

"Correct! Seems like you've been thinking about me to remember my name. Well, I called you for one thing and one thing only. I got something you love or loved and if you want it back come to the old wear house down the street. And yes I know your at Derek's house, so be a good boy and come. To. Me. Now. Bye now!", Cat said as she held up the phone.

I stood there. Frozen. She took someone I love. I don't know who it is but it's someone I love.

"Spencer. Spencer.", Derek said as he snapped his fingers in front of my face. "Who was it?"

"It was Cat and she said am she has someone I love.", I said. What if she had Y/N? "I-I have to go now. Have a nice night, Morgan.", I said as I rushed out of his apartment and drove to me and Y/N's apartment.

I opened the door which was locked. I looked around as I called her name. "Y-Y/N! Y/N!" I looked all over the apartment and I found some of her clothes gone, her charger gone and her phone gone. I got worried and decided to called Penelope.

"Hello, boy wonder.", Penelope said with a sleepily voice.

"Is Y/N over at your apartment?", I said, bitting my nails and walking to my car.

"No, why.", Penelope answered.

"I think Cat took her.", I answered, turning on my car and driving to the wear house.

"Oh, my god.", Penelope said with a hint of terror in her voice.

"I-I need to go now. Bye, Penelope.", I said as I hung up. I felt mad at myself. I left her all alone and now Cat has her. I sobbed as I drove to the wear house.

I parked and wiped my tears. I turned off my car and walked to the old wear house.
Your POV:
"Please not again! Please!", I said as the knife cut my arm. Blood came out and I screamed in pain. Cat laughed as I screamed in pain. I was tired to be honest. She already stabbed me once, cut one my arms with the words he doesn't love you and some nice cuts on my legs. Oh, and some more cuts on my face.

"When is he coming!", Cat said in anger as she walked around me. I was in a wooden chair and I was tied down to it. Some ropes on my wrist and foots.

We both heard the wear house door open.
Spencer's POV:
I walked to the wear house door as I heard screaming. I opened the wear house door as ran inside.

I saw Y/N and a knife to her neck. The knife being held by Cat.

"Cat, please don't.", I said as me and Y/N looked each other in the eye. I secretly had my gun in my pocket but if I showed Cat would probably kill Y/N.

"Why shouldn't I? I heard your fight. You said you didn't love her, Spencie. So why should I not kill her?", I said, begging her not to kill the love of my life. I putted my hand in my pocket, reaching for my gun.

What I saw next was the thing I never wanted to see. Cat slit Y/N's throat open. I quickly got my gun and shot Cat. Cat fell to the floor, and I ran to Y/N as I sobbed. I called 911. I untied her and held her in my arms. I ran my ran hand through hair. My tears fell on her face. I heard sirens in the distance.

But then I realized that the last words I said to her was that I didn't want to fix our relationship. I never wanted that to happen to her. I thought I was protecting her. But no. I grabbed my gun with my free hand that was not holding Y/N. I put the gun to my stomach and shot myself, and I bleed out to death while still holding Y/N.
I'm sorry this one was dark.

Word Count: 1,075

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