(15) Star Trek and Popcorn- :)

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A/N: I copy and paste this from chapter 3 from my Spencer Reid story I made and if you want to read it, it would mean the world to me!
Your POV:
"Hey, Spencer! Come on!", I said as I yelled to Spencer.

"Ok ok, I'm coming.", Spencer replied as he jogged over to me.

"So, where do you wanna go? My house or your house?", I asked as we began to walked off school grounds.

"Uh, let's go to yours, Y/N.", Spencer answered as we looked at each other. We started talking about Star Trek and school as we arrived in front of my house.

"Here we are. Home sweet home. You know?", I said as I looked down to Spencer. Spencer was not short I was like 1 1/2 inches taller than him.

"Wow. It's looks nice.", Spencer replied as we walked up the steps to my front door.

"Thanks!", I said as I reached in my pocket in my pants for my key. I got out my key and put it inside the lock in the door. I turned the key and twisted the door knob to open up the door.

Me and Spencer went inside my house as he looked around and I closed and lock the front door behind us.

"Your house is nice and clean. My house is too.", Spencer said as we removed are shoes. I looked at him.

"What? I'm just saying.", Spencer said as I giggled and he smiled.

"Do you want anything to eat?", I said.

"No thank you.", Spencer said.

"So, what do you want to do? We could do the project right now or we could watch Star Trek or something else-", I said but Spencer cut me off.

"Star Trek!", he said with a smile. I lead him to the living room as he sat down on the couch that faced the TV.

"Ima make some popcorn. You want some?", I said, going to the kitchen.

"Yes please!", Spencer said from the couch. I opened 2 popcorn bag thing and put both in the microwave. I walked back to the living room and held the Star Trek box.

"Which season do you want to watch?", I said with a smile on my face because I was the only one in my family and friends who watched Star Trek but now I had Spencer.

"We got to start with season 1! Then maybe next time I come over again we could watch season 2!", Spencer said as the popcorn pop.

"Great idea, Spence!", I replied as I turned around, facing the TV. I open the Star Trek DVD box and putted season 1 DVD in the DVD player.

I walked to the kitchen and grabbed the 2 bag of popcorn. I walked back to the living room and sat down next to Spencer, giving him a popcorn bag.

"Here.", I said. Spencer looked away from the TV to me.

"Thanks, Y/N/N.", Spencer replied as he grabbed the popcorn bag from my hand. We both looked back at the TV as I saw James and Spock talking.

"I bet the science things and facts are fake.", I said as I ate my popcorn.

"Actually, most of them were proven to be true.", Spencer said as I looked at him with a seriously look. I grabbed some popcorn and threw it at him. Spencer looked at me a threw some at me.

"Hey!", I said as we continued to throw popcorn at each other. We were laughing uncontrollably. The laugher die down as me and Spencer looked each in the eyes. That's when me and Spencer's lips pressed against each other's.
I made a Spencer Reid story! So, it would mean the world to me if you read it but it's ok if you don't! Have a nice day! Love you!🌞💕✨

Word Count: 651

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