(26) Speaker Phone- :;)

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Your POV:
As much as the team liked to think that Reid knew everything, admittedly there were some things that he wasn't an expert at. In their current case for example, the unsub has sent a cryptic letter that Spencer simply couldn't manage to crack. In fact everyone seemed to be stumped. Luckily, although Reid couldn't figure things out for himself, he knew someone who could lend a hand and that was you.

"Who are you calling anyway kid?" Morgan asked as the team gathered around. Spencer hadn't exactly gone into much detail about who exactly he was contacting. All he had said was that he had a friend who could provide them with the information they needed to solve this case.

"Just an acquaintance of mine named [Y/N]" Reid replied. There was no need for him to go into detail about the type of relationship he had with you. Of course the title of acquaintance wasn't appropriate for you but he wasn't sure what else to say without completely embarrassing himself and earning a lot of teasing from Derek. For now all Spencer needed was for you to pick up the phone so you could answer a few inquiries that the BAU had.

Finally finding your number in his contacts, Spencer placed his phone on the table after calling you and putting his cell on speaker. That way everyone would be able to hear what you had to say. The device rang a couple times but then finally your voice came echoing into the room. "Hey doctor sexy, how's it going?" You greeted in a flirtatious tone. Everyone in the room looked at one another in disbelief as Reid's cheeks turned bright red. That was his own fault. He should have predicted that you would have said something along those lines. That's just how you spoke to him over the phone.

"I-I'm alright [Y/N]. I have a couple questions for you all" Reid explained in a stammering voice. All the while Derek couldn't stop himself from snickering in the background. He was one to laugh! Garcia and him bantered like that all the time! "Before you say anything else" Spencer continued, unable to look any of his coworkers in the eye. "You should know-".

Unfortunately before Spencer could get his warning across you cut him off, still unaware that you had an audience. "You need my help hmm? Well in that case you're going to have to pay me back somehow handsome. Let's say that, when you come back home, you stop by my apartment and we'll-".

Reid could only imagine where that was going so desperately he interrupted you. "[Y/N] you're on speaker phone!" He shouted a little too aggressively. "The entire FBI team that I work with can hear you right now". There was a pause on your end for a minute. You had fallen so silent that for a second Spencer that maybe you had hung up the phone out of pure humiliation. As they waited for you to say something, anything, the BAU did what they could to hold back their fits of laughter. None of them could have seen this coming but oh boy was it hilarious. Reid really had someone who flirted with him like that? It was nearly unbelievable.

"Let me get this straight... the team that you talked to me about, the one that I haven't met in person yet just heard me refer to you as doctor sexy?" You finally said Charles causing Reid to sigh and tell you that was indeed the case. "Oh my god I am so sorry. That was so unprofessional of me. That was not how I wanted my first impression with all of you to go" you apologized.

As terrible as this all was you were kind of grateful that it was happening in a setting where none of them could see your face. If everyone had been able to lay their eyes on you they would have seen a very flustered person who would have liked nothing more than to crawl into a hole and hide. All of a sudden you heard Derek chuckling, unable to withhold himself any longer. "Man, I can't believe you have a Garcia kid" Derek smirked, as Reid rubbed his neck awkwardly. "Don't worry [Y/N], you seem great" Derek then proceeded to assure you.

"Yeah, I'd feel free to grab a drink with us when we get back to Virgina" JJ pipped in, giving Spencer a playful wink. "I'd like to see your guys' banter with my own eyes".

The group probably could have gone on poking fun at both of you for a little while longer but Hotch had to put a stop to all of this. There was an unsub that needed catching after all. "We can talk about all of this later," Hotch insisted, making everyone calm down a little. "[Y/N] I was under the impression that you could help us. Reid fill them into what's going on with the case".
I hoped you liked this chapter! Have a amazing day! LOVE YOU!📚💕✨

Word Count: 859

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