(19) Smarter Than You- :;)

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Your POV:
You and Penelope Garcia might have been cousins, but you both were each other's best friend for as long as you and her could remember.

You had your hair curled and full of volume, a natural look of makeup on your face.

You had recently turned 21, and since you were now legal to drink that made Penelope decide to drag you out to the bar her and her co-workers were going to to take the edge off from their never ending work.

You had chosen to wear a tight fitting black dress that had spaghetti straps, the dress cutting off mid thigh, and had a low cut back with straps there fo make it look like it was loosely cross-stitched.

You had paired the dress with a pair of black wedged pumps and a small black purse.

You walked into the bar and glanced around before spotting your cousin with her co-workers she was always gushing to you about.

You strolled over, eyeing everyone.

Your eyes landed on one of them, his gaze casted down at the cup he held in hand.

You snapped out of your gaze and looked at Penelope. "Hey, Penny!" You leaned over and hugged her, not even realizing that a dark skinned man was eying your body.

"Eyes off my cousin, hot stuff." Penelope scolded her God-like-looking colleague.

You immediately stood up, blushing when you turned and noticed "hot stuff" was looking at you with a smirk.

"I'm Derek Morgan." He introduced himself, extending his hand out for you to shake.

You awkwardly gave him a small wave with your hand. "Sorry. I don't shake hands, not often anyway."

Derek turned to look at the guy you had noticed when you first walked over to the group, he playfully nudged him. "Looks like someone else is like you."

The guy blushed at that comment.

'He is stunning.' You thought.

His unruly brown curls, some dangling in front of his stunning hazel eyes, his bone structure should've been a crime. The way his cheekbones were sculpted and his jawline- it could cut glass, you swear to God it could've.

You shyly took the empty spot at the booth, it just so happened to be beside the stunning stranger.

"Hey." You said softly to him. "I'm Y/n."

He awkwardly looked at you, clearly still flustered due to the comment Derek had made. "I'm Spencer Reid. Uh, Doctor Spencer Reid." He replied quietly.

"Wow, this is a first. Reid isn't able to speak like he usually does." Derek laughed, earning laughter from the entire group.

A blond woman who was sitting beside Morgan who was sat beside Spencer gently reached over and patted his shoulder. "We all love you, Spence, but you do talk a lot."

He pouted and shrugged the blond's hand off his shoulder. "Whatever, J.J." He mumbled.

Garcia had soon enough properly introduced you to everyone, telling them how you two were similar yet different in so many ways.

"So... Y/n, do you have a boyfriend?" Derek asked, raising an eyebrow.

You took a sip of your club soda and gin. "Umm... no. No one had peaked my interest yet."

"Why's that? It's certainly not a problem getting a guy's attention, you're quite stunning." He replied, nudging Spencer. "Isn't that right?"

Spencer flushed deeply. "Uh, y-yeah. Right." He stuttered.

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