(27) Word Vomit- :;)

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Your POV:
I roll my warm, naked body off of Spencer's and lay down next to him on his bed, underneath the covers with him. Glancing his way, I notice him out of breath and staring at the ceiling in awe. I lean over and rest my head on his bare chest and listen to the thumping of his heart.

"Babe... that was the best it's ever been," he starts to chuckle, "where did that all come from?" He finally catches his breath and locks eyes with mine, his big brown orbs filled with love and content. I giggle back and shrug slightly as I trace shapes on his chest with my finger.

"I don't know, I guess I'm just extra loving this morning," I smile and give a small wink. I notice the clock on the bedside table behind him and notice the time: 10:42am. I jump out of bed as if a fire had just been set underneath me and scramble my naked body around the room as I pick up my articles of clothing as quick as I can.

"Crap, I forgot I told my friend, Michelle, that I'd have brunch with her at that new place on 23rd today at 11:30!" I explain as I hook on my bra and slip my black tank top on after it.

"(Y/N), that place is 13 minutes away, why are you in such a rush? You have time." He looks at me confused and tries to hold back a laugh. He tosses me my gray cardigan that was hanging on the headboard above him and I catch it and slip it on.

"Spence, I have to go back to my apartment and change. Remember, my place is all the way across town," I groan in annoyance.

"Hm, if only someone had suggested that you move in here since you spend 99% of your free time here... Oh wait! I did suggest that," he gives me a small smirk followed by and eyebrow raise and a vague chuckle.

"Oh wow, is the doctor actually using sarcasm? Pinch me, I must be dreaming," I giggle back and roll my eyes, "but I guess you're right. Your apartment is so much closer to everything; work, restaurants, the library. I'll think about it, alright?" I say as I slip my jeans on one leg at a time and do a little hop to pull the pair up all the way.

"That's all I wanted to hear," he smiles as his sits up in the bed. He reaches over to his bedside table and grabs his pair of glasses and slips them on his head.

"God, you look really good right now. Can you wear those glasses next time we have sex?" I ask in a serious tone.

"Dare I suggest a quick round two, right now?" He pats the empty side of the bed.

"You are not suggesting we have sex again when I literally told you two minutes ago I'm running late for brunch."

"Just a suggestion, (Y/N)! I now realize it was a bad suggestion, though," he shakes his head while snickering.

"Very bad," I giggle back, "okay. I'm going to get going now, can I still come over tonight?"

"I'm not moving from this spot all day until you come back," he jokes and pushes his glasses up his nose.

"Ew, please shower," I smile and walk towards him. I lean down and give him a quick peck on the lips before turning around and walking towards his bedroom door. Grabbing my purse off the dresser next to the door, I pull out my copy of his apartment key and murmur, "don't worry, I'll lock up on my way out. See you in a few hours, I love you."

I did not mean to say that.

"I- I mean, not like, I, uh," I start to say before he breaks out into the biggest smile I've ever seen on him.

"Wait, did you just say you love me," he grins at me and stands up out of bed. Sliding on his pajama pants, he walks towards me. I'm standing there, frozen, cheeks as red as they can be, panicking because I actually let the words I love you slip out of my mouth by accident.

Spencer and I have been dating for 6 months and 12 days; of course I love him. I've been in love with him since our second date 6 months ago. But I haven't told him that yet. Everything has been going so well, I just didn't want to scare him off by saying I love you too soon.

"N-no I didn't. I didn't say that," I shake my head and try to lie.

"Yes you did!" He smiles and points a finger at me as he gets closer. "You love me!"

"Shut up! You love me," I cross my arms and try to defend myself and hold in a chuckle.

"Nope," he starts, "I don't just love you. I am so completely, ridiculously in love with you." He takes a few more steps closer to me and leans down, smashing his lips into mine. "Man, I've been in love with you since our first date 6 months and 8 days ago, I just didn't want to weird you out by saying it too soon so I wanted you to say it first. I'm so glad I don't have to hold that back anymore," he says in between kisses.

"Oh gosh, fuck it; I'll move in with you," I tell him once our small make-out session is over. "I'll call you when brunch is over so you can come over and start helping me pack up my things."

"Will do. Love you." He beams as I walk towards the door again.

"Love yooooouuu," I grin and drag out the word you as I walk out the door.
HELLO! I hope you loved this one shot because I really did! I hope you have an amazing day! LOVE YOU!👾💜✨

Word Count: 1,014

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