(31) Locked Doors- :}

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A/N: Spicy Fluff!😉
Your POV:
Spencer was still facing the blank wall, his jaw set tightly shut, trying his hardest not to yell. He really didn't want to take out his frustrations on her, but god was it hard when he felt like she was suffocating him just by being near him. He reminded himself that this wasn't her fault, maybe it was just his luck. Maybe it was just the universe playing yet another cruel trick on him. Hadn't he had enough over the past fifteen years?

But here he was, stuck in one of the small closets where old case files were stored at the very bottom floor of the BAU with the one girl he couldn't stop thinking about. Why did they both have to search for the same file? It was a paper work day, so everyone would probably be at the top floor, scrambling to get their files filled out so they could head home for the weekend, which meant nobody would come looking for them. Great, Spencer thought, as if today could have gotten any worse.
But he didn't hate her, not at all. If anything, he felt quite the opposite about her. But there was one problem, her age. He knew it was wrong, with a tiny voice sneering at him "She's only 25, she's the baby of the team. What is wrong with you?" And he felt like his subconscious was right, and he did feel creepy watching her flounce around the bullpen in her short pencil skirts that hugged her in all the right places and watching her apply her tinted cherry chapstick everyday. But he couldn't help himself from the very first day she joined. He had always admired how her eyes never lost the bright, doe eyed, innocent glow they always seemed to shine with. He briefly wondered how long it would be until that looked dimmed, like his and all of his fellow agent's did.

"Try the door again." His voice came out rougher than intended. He knew this wasn't her fault, but he needed to get out of this tiny room. He just needed to hold onto the little self control he had around her.

"I've tried the handle like 20 times now, it must be jammed or something! And you could at least look at me, you know," She sounded exasperated with him- with this whole situation.

He quickly turned around, seeming to have an idea. "Your phone, you have it on you right?"

"What? No, why would I bring my phone with me? I thought we would grab the stupid file and be back to our desks in two minutes." She looked up at him, not seeming to notice how close their chests were. It's not like there was much room for personal space.

"Of course you didn't bring your phone," He gritted his teeth before he closed his eyes in a desperate attempt for a shred of patience.

"You don't get to be rude with me, alright? I get it, being locked in a dingy closet isn't ideal, but I'm stuck here too so just... calm down. Someone will notice we're gone and come find us. We just have to wait." She always sounded so sure of herself, and Spencer couldn't understand how she could be so calm right now.

Spencer opened his eyes to see her sink to the floor, folding her knees beneath her. He swallowed harshly, shoving his hands in his pockets after he received a very unwelcomed response from the sight of her on her knees in front of him. His eyes were still glued on her and he hardly registered it when he heard her mumble something under her breath.

"It's not like being stuck in here with you is very fun either." She whispered.

"Is that so?" He looked down at her with a playful but reserved look on his face.

Teasing asshole. "Yeah, I mean maybe since we're stuck in here you'll finally do something other than constantly stare at me," She laughed, watching as his pupils dilated and he shifted a bit. She wasn't blind, and she might be new but she was an excellent profiler. Of course she had noticed his longing glances, it was what she wanted. The feeling of his eyes on her gave her a strange sense of confidence. But she loved watching him too, the way his nose crinkled when he concentrated too hard, or the way his veiny hands looked when he skimmed through a page in mere seconds. She knew how he felt about her, but she didn't want to make the first move. She made sure he was going to. And as usual, Spencer was putty underneath her dainty hands, whether he knew it or not.

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