(28) Helping Out A Friend- :)

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September 2, 1993
Today was the same like everyday. As I walked through the hallways I saw a girl group talking about makeup and boys. I saw the jocks bullying a nerd like always. I always tell the teachers but they do nothing. I continued to walk to mathematics class until I saw a boy with brown hair and hazel eyes with glasses, looking at a piece of paper and definitely looking for something, so I walked up to him.

"Hey, are you looking for something?", I asked. He looked up at me. Wow he's young. I never saw him before, maybe his new.

"Y-yeah, I am actually. Do you know where mathematics class is?", the boy asked.

"Yeah I do. I'm actually headed there right now. You can come with me.", I said as I started to walk.

"O-ok. Thanks. Your the first nice person I met since I came here.", he said looking at me.


"Yeah, the teachers are nice but the other students here tell me to go back to elementary school.", he said, looking away from me to the floor.

"So, your new here?"

"Yeah, I am."

"Can I just ask how are you here? N-no offense or anything but how?"

"I'm just really smart.", he said blushing. I looked straight so I knew where we were going. Then, another group of jocks pasted by us but slapped the young boys books to the floor.

"Nerds.", one of the jocks said as they walked away. The boy bent down to pick his books up. I grabbed some to help him and gave it to him.

"Here you go."

"Thanks.", he said taking his books from me.

"Hey. I didn't get your name.", I said as we were almost at mathematicians class.

"Oh it's Spencer Reid.", Spencer said as he looked from the floor to me.

"I'm Y/N Y/L/N.", I said as I reached out my hand for him to shake but he just looked at it.

"I don't shake hands. To much germs spread but a kiss spreads less.", Spencer said. I didn't know what I was thinking but I bent down and kissed his cheek. He looked at me and he was blushing. I was blushing to and looked away from him.

"I'm s-sorry I wasn't thinking."

"I-it's ok, Y/N." I stopped blushing and looked back at him.

"So how old are you, Spence. I hope you don't mind me calling you "Spence"." He wasn't blushing anymore and he looked at me.

"I'm 12 and I don't mind you calling me Spence. I've been called much worst."

"Oh, I'm 14." Spencer nodded at me and smiled. "Ok we're here. Mathematics class. Now let's get inside before we're late.", I said as we entered the classroom.
I hope you liked this one shot! Have an amazing day/night/evening/afternoon! LOVE YOU!💼📚✨

Word Count: 491

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