The Big Breakout

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Down at the bottom of WOOHP headquarters, a number of escaped criminals were darting for the doors leading to the main aircraft hanger, hoping to find a vehicle that they could escape in. They did not know how or why their prison cell doors opened up the way they did, but they were not going to look a gift horse in the mouth and hang around to find out.

"We should be able to grab ourselves a sweet ride in there that can get us out of this dump," chortled Cyril Hearsay as the hanger doors came within their sights.

"Well, just you leave the flying to me," smirked Captain Hayes. "I can jet us out of this place in no time."

But as the villains hastened forward and almost reached the hanger, the doors suddenly slid open and Britney zoomed out on a WOOHP speeder, right towards the baddies.

But as the villains hastened forward and almost reached the hanger, the doors suddenly slid open and Britney zoomed out on a WOOHP speeder, right towards the baddies

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"You guys aren't thinking of leaving us now are you?" she asked casually, before she steered the speeder so that it started to drive right along the ceiling!

As the astonished villains looked on, Britney pulled out a bottle of the Icy Fresh Nitrogen Breath Spray from her backpack and before any of the escapees could react, she began spraying them with it. Within seconds, all the felons in the corridor were trapped in frozen hard blocks of ice.

"Brrr, that i-is like s-so c-cold!" complained Sigmund Smith as he and the others shivered in their icy prisons.

"What can I say? I can be quite the ice queen when I need to be," grinned Britney. Satisfied that these felons would not be going anywhere anytime soon, she then drove off to help sort out the other escaped prisoners in the building.


"So would someone mind explaining why we are going deeper into WOOHP instead of trying to find a way out?" asked Fremont incredulously as he and a large group of fellow prisoners ran determinedly down the corridors.

"Don't you remember what that guard said yesterday, you cretin?" snapped the Yeti Lord. "Those three girls who keep ruining our plans are stuck in the medical bay with various broken limbs and will be completely unable to defend themselves. This is our chance to get rid of them forever!"

"He's right, you know. Those interfering brats will be sitting ducks for us to pick off at our leisure!" agreed Ulrich Wernerstein, all too eager to get his revenge at last.

But as they turned a corner, they suddenly found their way to the infirmary barred by three catsuit-clad figures.

But as they turned a corner, they suddenly found their way to the infirmary barred by three catsuit-clad figures

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