The Return Of LAMOS

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Sixty Seconds Ago...

Just a minute before the drama at the control tower of Geraldine's Island had started to unfold, an incredulous Jerry was being briefed by the girls about their findings at the security room.

"What? Tad is our saboteur? Are you positive about this, girls?" said Jerry, not quite believing this turn of events.

"Well that's what the DNA scan of the toothpick told us," said Alex grimly. "The blood sample we found is a 100% match with the medical records on Tad here at WOOHP."

"I guess it's possible that the toothpick was planted to give a false lead," conceded Sam, "but let's face it, Jerr. Tad is one of the few people in WOOHP who would know all the ins and outs of the building, not to mention the know-how to steal some gadgets and hack the security system."

"And let's not forget what a total backstabber he was in the past," added Clover bitterly. "He totally tried to hi-jack our very first mission and was willing to leave us floating in space for like all eternity, just so he can keep his 'number one agent' status!"

"Yeah, he sooo has the perfect motive," said Alex. "He'd be more than happy to help those baddies break out, just to make life majorly tough for us."

"Yes, I'm afraid what you girls say makes complete sense," sighed Jerry. "It is such a pity though. I had hoped that in time he might have learned his lesson and re-applied for WOOHP agent status again."

"What I don't get is how he got back into the building," said Sam. "Didn't you kick him out after he served his term at the containment facility?"

"Ah, well, not exactly," said Jerry awkwardly. "It was felt that WOOHP ought to keep a close tab on Tad, so when he was released, he was reassigned to general cleaning duties about the building."

"Cleaning duties? Man, I doubt that would have helped him get over his grudge," said Clover dryly.

The discussion was brusquely interrupted by the sound of the WOOHP ringtone coming through on Jerry's computer. Jerry quickly hit a switch and a moment later, Carmen and Stella's faces appeared on the desk monitor screen.

"Stella? Carmen? Is everything all right?" he asked in concern.

"Not really," said Stella seriously. "Gabs and Britney have gone missing and we... ARGH!"

To the mutual horror of Jerry and the girls, Stella was suddenly zapped by jolts of electricity and collapsed, whereupon the video feed went dead. Alarmed, Clover swiftly wheeled herself to the desk and pulled the display screen around to face her.

"Mum, are you okay? Can you hear me? MUM!" exclaimed Clover, desperately bellowing at the screen to get a reply, all to no avail.

"Oh no, what's happened to them?" cried Alex, her face turning pale in fear.

"Jerry, quick! Rewind to the frame just before we lost contact," snapped Sam franticly.

Jerry quickly hit some buttons on his keyboard and the recorded video feed rewound and paused on the second just after Stella collapsed out of sight of the frame. Standing a few feet behind where she had been was Tad who was holding a hoisted electroshock stun pistol in his hand.

"Oh my! You girls were right," said Jerry.

"For all the good it does us now," said Clover bitterly. "We've got to get our moms and Britney out of there like now!"

"Yeah, but how?" asked Sam. "Most of the best WOOHP agents are still busy out there chasing the remaining escapees and we're only left with a basic security crew who are trying to man the WOOHP building all by themselves."

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