An Explosive Finale

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Dean worked fast at his keyboard in the lab, but the missile's computer system was proving harder to hack than he first thought. Meanwhile, the menacing rocket was flying indomitably towards WOOHP, getting closer and closer by second, while the Robo-Spies were flying closely behind, still holding onto Britney and the girls' mums.

"Oh, if only there was an autopilot on these things," lamented Alex, "then we could at least get the four of you to safety away from here."

"And leave the rest of you to get blasted apart by that thing? No way!" said Carmen resolutely.

"Yeah, there's no way we're going to abandon you all just to save our own skins, Alex," agreed Britney firmly. "Besides, even if we were willing to, it's too late to get out of here anyway."

Britney was quite right. It was indeed far too late to get clear as the missile was now just seconds away from hitting the WOOHP building, whereupon it would detonate an explosion large enough to reduce the whole city to fragments and catch the flying spies in the blast.

Then, just as looked like the missile would hit its target, the missile suddenly veered away from WOOHP, narrowly missing the building by inches, before it began flying back the way it came.

"Yay Dean, you did it!" cried Clover jubilantly as she flew out of the missile and joined her friends who were touching down on the landing pad at the top of the building.

"Yeah, but only just," breathed Dean in relief. "That was way too close for my liking."

"So where is that missile going now?" asked Alex.

"Back to Geraldine's island, of course," said Sam. "I think the LAMOS are in for a really nasty surprise!"


A few seconds ago on the barge's control tower, Terrence, Geraldine and Tad had been watching the progress of the missile on the monitor screen with glee, none of them quite able to believe that they were on the verge of triumph.

"Splendid, splendid!" said Terrence jubilantly. "In just a few seconds, dear brother Jerry and his precious WOOHP will be no more! Oh, revenge has never tasted so sweet!"

"And then, we proceed with eliminating every other law enforcement agency on the planet, until there is no one left to stop us from taking over the entire world," leered Geraldine with an evil grin like the Wicked Witch of the West. "I have to hand it you, Terrence. I could not have come up with a more diabolical scheme myself."

"Oh, you're being overly modest, my dear Geraldine," said Terrence pleasantly. "Your magnificent missile was the true key to our success. As a matter of fact, I was wondering if we could discuss some more evil schemes, say, over dinner?"

"Oh Terrence," blushed Geraldine rapturously as she regarded the LAMOS leader with a longing look in her eyes.

But before the strange, evil romance had a chance to blossom any further, the two villains were interrupted by an urgent yell from Tad, who was looking at the tracking monitor with alarm.

"Hey, what's going on? The missile is turning about away from WOOHP!"

Terrence and Geraldine turned and looked at the small blip indicating the missile's position, their annoyance giving way to distress as they realised where the deadly rocket was heading.

"Gah, our homing missile is heading back home!" realised a shocked Terrence.

"Relax, Terrance darling. We simply have to hit the abort button and the missile will blow up harmlessly in the air before it even has a chance to reach us," smirked Geraldine, before turning to face Tad. "Now, where did you install the abort control?"

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