Back In Action

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Back in the control tower, Terrence and Geraldine were watching a monitor screen displaying the large missile, when Tad stepped out of the elevator and joined them.

"Got them all safely locked up in there with no chance of escape," he grinned. "Boy, they're going to be in for quite a ride!"

Terrence gave an evil and satisfied smile. "Indeed. Well, I see no reason why we should wait any longer. My dear Geraldine, would you care to do the honours? It is your island after all."

"It'll be my pleasure," leered Geraldine before slamming her palm over the firing button.

There followed a thunderous roar as the missile's engines ignited, and on the screen, the giant projectile began to lift up and zoom through the opening of the volcano. The three villains turned their heads towards the direction of the actual volcano and from their vantage point, they could see the missile blazing out of the mountain volcano and through an opening in the barge's force-field bubble, before continuing its journey to WOOHP.

 The three villains turned their heads towards the direction of the actual volcano and from their vantage point, they could see the missile blazing out of the mountain volcano and through an opening in the barge's force-field bubble, before contin...

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"I want to cry," smiled Terrence as they watched the missile shoot off into the distance. "It's so beautifully evil."


At that precise moment, the robot avatars of Sam, Clover and Alex were flying swiftly through the air on their jetpacks. The robotic suits had proven surprisingly easy to handle and thanks to the powerful inbuilt thrusters, they were already within a mile of reaching Geraldine's base.

"Whoo-hoo! These Robo-Spy suits totally rule!" said Alex elatedly as she practiced a somersault in the air.

"They're not really suits, Alex," pointed out Sam. "Remember, we're not actually physically here at all. The three of us are still in the WOOHP lab, directing these machines. It's pretty much like driving a remote-control toy car, now you think about it."

"Well, it sure feels like it's us that are flying out here," remarked Clover who was still getting used to the whole experience.

Before their discussion could carry on, Alex suddenly spotted something in the distance. "Hey, look! There's Geraldine's island just ahead of us!"

"Great! We'll be there in just a minute!" said Sam as the girls increased the power of their thrusters and rocketed towards the barge.

"Oh man, I sure hope Britney and our moms are still in one piece down there," said Clover worriedly.

As they drew closer to the barge, Alex suddenly spotted a silver speck in the distance, rapidly getting larger and heading their way.

"Uh guys, what's that ahead of us?" she asked apprehensively.

"I'm not sure," said Sam. "Dean, is there a zoom-in function on these headset screens?"

"Yeah, Sam," came Dean's voice from the WOOHP lab over the helmet's built-in communicators. "Just adjust the dial on the side of your headset and the screen should enlarge the object you're looking at."

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